33. 1
D y
or bim—be remem¬
ber bearing, in tbe
päy wbich could not
was it possible that
bad caused ber to#
t bad happened, such
spossible. There was
hre may be bours or
some strange, irre¬
hm men wbo under
o special power over
sp-bill. If all were
into tbe main street
ding to do with him?
seing bim? Was the
ewbere? And what
A solution of the
at some otber place.
passing tbe test s0
of tbe secret society:
box 5/7
Was be to have unchallenged possession of tbe
lovely nun? Tbe windows of tbe carriage were
closed and Fridolin tried to look out—but tbey
were opaque. He attempted to open tbem, first on
one side, then on tbe otber, but it was impossible.
Tbe glass partition between bim and tbe coach¬
man's box was just as tbick and just as firmly
closed. He lenocked on tbe glass, be called, be
sbouted, but tbe carriage went on. He tried to
open both tbe doors, but tbey wouldn't budge. His
renewed calling was drowned by tbe rattling of
tbe wbeels and tbe roaring of tbe wind. The car¬
riage began to jolt, going downbill, faster and
saster. Fridolin, uneasy and alarmed, was on the
point of smasbing one of tbe blind windows, wben
tbe carriage suddenly stopped. Botb doors opened
togetber, as if by some mechanism, and as though
Fridolin bad been ironically given tbe choice be¬
tween one side or tbe otber. He jumped out, the
doors closed witb a bang—and witbout tbe coach¬
man paying tbe slightest attention to bim, tbe
33. 1
D y
or bim—be remem¬
ber bearing, in tbe
päy wbich could not
was it possible that
bad caused ber to#
t bad happened, such
spossible. There was
hre may be bours or
some strange, irre¬
hm men wbo under
o special power over
sp-bill. If all were
into tbe main street
ding to do with him?
seing bim? Was the
ewbere? And what
A solution of the
at some otber place.
passing tbe test s0
of tbe secret society:
box 5/7
Was be to have unchallenged possession of tbe
lovely nun? Tbe windows of tbe carriage were
closed and Fridolin tried to look out—but tbey
were opaque. He attempted to open tbem, first on
one side, then on tbe otber, but it was impossible.
Tbe glass partition between bim and tbe coach¬
man's box was just as tbick and just as firmly
closed. He lenocked on tbe glass, be called, be
sbouted, but tbe carriage went on. He tried to
open both tbe doors, but tbey wouldn't budge. His
renewed calling was drowned by tbe rattling of
tbe wbeels and tbe roaring of tbe wind. The car¬
riage began to jolt, going downbill, faster and
saster. Fridolin, uneasy and alarmed, was on the
point of smasbing one of tbe blind windows, wben
tbe carriage suddenly stopped. Botb doors opened
togetber, as if by some mechanism, and as though
Fridolin bad been ironically given tbe choice be¬
tween one side or tbe otber. He jumped out, the
doors closed witb a bang—and witbout tbe coach¬
man paying tbe slightest attention to bim, tbe