I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 123

Sumner Loses Casc Against Arthur Schnitzler's Novel
Grand Jury Refuses 7o Indict Book Attucked By Vice Society
The renewed ccmplaint of John S. Sunner, chief agent of The
New Tork Society for the Suppression of Vice, against Arthur Schnitzler's
novel, Casonovals Honccoming“, published by Simon and Schuster, was
dismissed by The Grand Jury of New York County yesterday after it had
read and sonsidcred the book.
Sumner charged that the nevel was ##ung published and distrib¬
uted in violation of Scotion 1141 of the Pm Code prohibiting the sale
of obscnne Iiterature.
An carlier compleint ag inst the bock had bern disniesed on
September 25th, 1930 by Magistrate Haurice Gottlich. The opirion of tho
Court was delivered after liagistrate Gottlich had rend thu vock itscif
and carefully studied briefs submitted by Simon and Schusterts attorncys,
Mesers. Grcenbaun, Volff and Ernst. Tue Court heard arguments presented
by Nr. Horris L. Ernst and Nr. Nouman Levy, of counsel for the publish¬
ers, and studicd a comprchensive memorandum in which werc sct forth rep¬
resntative opinions on the book from editors, critics, ministers, edus¬
ators, physicinns, and other lenders in the commmity.
In bis
ision, absolving #asanov#'s Homccoming“ from any
charge of obsceni
Negistrate Gottlich threu out of Court a1l the com¬
plaints fiäcd by :
Smmer. His Honor charecterized Wasenova's Home¬
coming“ as an unimpencunble classic of modern literaturc and declared
that the bock mst be mensured by the living standards of our oun timc,
not by thosc of the Mid-Victorian cra.
Ur. Sumner was not satisficd with the decision in the Court, and
lodged repeated complaints at the District Attorncy's office, insisting
that the Grand Jury be requested te investigate. The mubers of that
body thereupon read tlic book and gesterday it was officially announced
that they found no baois for an indictment.
This decision represents the fourth and final legal victory
forCasanovals Homccoming“ and the completc vindication of Arthur Schnitz¬
1er and his publishers, after a sevn-ycar legal battie.
The publishers anncunged that ###sanovals Homccoming“ is now on
sale in bockstores all over the country. Thc book is onc of The Inner Sane¬
tum Novels sciling at onc doller.
Among the noted persons who rallicd to the defensc of Arthur
Schnitzler and vOnsanovals Homccoming“ were Sinclair Lowis, Rnry L. lcne¬
ken, Charles Francis Potter, John Erskinc, Roy V. Hovard, John Cowper
Powys, Hcywood Broun and Harry Hansen and scores of others.