I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 127

ele ie e, i
iclans, the critics, the psychiatrists, the min¬
isters promptly and impressively rallied to
the defense of an incontestable classic of
modern literature. There was no douht as
to the enlightened judgment of the commu¬
nity. From the outsct it was not a clash of
representative opinions bur a preponderance
in favor of the bock.
Nevertheless, Mr. Sumner's tactics neces¬
sitated the long-drawn-out procedure of stv¬
eral court actions, elaborate and costly legal
defense, extended correspondence, symposia,
research, and questionnaires, and the expen¬
diture of the city’s money in administrative
and juristic routine.
The fair name of one of the greatest writ¬
ers of modern literature was sullied and as¬
sailed by sensational accusations; a book of
unimpeachable integrity was falsely charged
wich obscenity; a valuable literary property
was impaired through deferment and sus¬
pension of sales; costly advertising and pro¬
motion material that could not be recailed
was nullified during the period of adjudi¬
cation; and a decorous and law-abiding pub¬
lishing house subjected to the machinations
of spies, agents provocateurs, strong-arm
raids, and seizures.
When Mr. Sumner’s complaint was filed
on August Sth, we stated:
We not only publish all the works of Arthur
Schnitzler in America, having issued ninc of his
books since 1ozz, hut respect them and admire
them. We shall fight this case in that spiriz.
We have always published his books and those
of the other Inner Sanctum novelists with dig¬
nity, and regret that Mr. Sumner’s tactics may
lead to a type of public discussion tnat is sus¬
ceptible of misinterpretation in some quarters.
But since he has scen fit to initiate the action,
we will defend the book to the best of our abil¬
#ity, and safeguard a classic of modern fiction
against the misguided zeal of an extra-legal so¬
ciety which is pitting its opinicn against the vir¬
tually unanimous edict of critics, scholars, men
of letters, and civilized readers generally. It is
now for the courts to determine which side is
right in the eyes of the law.
That answer has now been given in an
unmistakable manner, and all of Mr. Sum¬
ner’s charges have been dismissed and in¬
validated in their entirety.
It now seems absurd that so involved and
so costly a procedure of defense was neces¬
sai; in a case where no reasonable man
could have any just doubt. Here was a book
issued openly and proudly by a reputable
publishing house under its own imprint, a
firm which had up te that time brought out
of his
vich a
er seem¬
ays his
Tel. Bogardus 1729

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