I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 128

At an euclier dar. the dazzling
bero had enabled this man ter
merry, but had first had affales
box 4/11
Casanovas Heinfahr
with his flancee and her mother.
The wise greets hin with a nan¬
seating ienderness, Which sits bad¬
Iy upon her middie-aged person.
and for refreshment, indulging hin
freakish sense of the ridtenlous,
Cazanorn rounds out his acquain¬
tance with the family by seducing
the very young daughter, making
it ihree generations of women of
slhe same family.
Visiting with the famh, is 3
Rovely young girl. with whomt our
Fapriciaus and now rather pitifal
Casanovan Apocrypha
Gero falls hopelessly and terribly
Casaxova's Honncosisc —Arthur
In love, Senescence is painful, and
ingled win his aderatien Für te
Schnitzler—Simon & Schuster (Sr.f
nconsclous giri is his desire to
Just at the moment when Germany en¬
rove himself get irresistible.
Unfortuhately—for Cazanden—
tered its blackest days (end of 10r8)
he loves ancther and fails to ap¬
Arthur Schnitzler surprised and offended
breciate the old man’s senile und

his countrymen by publising this lact.
egenerate passions.
lessli“ irrelevant little novel. Its hrst U. S.
Still tormented by his unceasing
svotion t0 Vehice, Cazanova
edlition (Thomas Seitzer, ro#s) received
opes desperately to go back and
little attentien but last summer Vice-Sup¬
nd his days close to his only last¬
presser John Saxton Sumner tried to bar
g love, the city that had ban¬
bed him.
Simon & Schuster's new edition, failed,
Book Nook-
An old friend writes to him at
succeeded as usual in booming sales.
#e house where we find him visit¬
Author Schnitzler tells of an imaginary
kg. and deals him the death blow
nora's Homecoming
incident in Casanova’s later career. Be¬
-wounding the pride and spirit of
e man irretrievably. Cazanova,
(Arthur Schnitzler)
gginning to be an old man (53), Casanova
de darling of so many ladies of
This bepk, by Schnitzier, promi¬
flongs for his beloved Venice, and returns
de court, she scholar and debater,
nent Gernan author, was written in
las near it as its edict of banishment will
ie patriot may come back to Ven¬
his nativeltongue in 1915 and trans¬
e.Dut only as a. spr. secretly.
det him. Near Mantua he meets an old
tenlated into English in 1921. It 18
Insane with rage, humiliation
friend, Olivo, who has married one of
id real grief, Cazanova deter¬
Just within the past few years that
Casanova's half-forgotten loves. Olivo
inen to make the girl, niece of his
it has attained prominence, along
insists on Casanova's paying them a visit.
Mosts, his mistress. Hg suspects
with some of his later things. Of
Ner or having an affair with a
When Casanova sees his host’s beautiful
course, everyone knows about Casa¬
Wung neighbor, despite her seem¬
niece Marcolina, he immediately desires
nova, the great lover of history, This
g purity, and caret ly lays his
her, but she is repelled by him. Besides
ans to win her heart.
story deals with an imaginery inei¬
The affair is, naturally, a flasco,
she has a lover, the handsome young ne’er¬
dent in his later life, when he was
nd Cazancea reads in the girl's
about 55 years of age, and had lost!
do-well Lorenzi. But Lorenzi needs money
bathing eyes the grim message
much of his charm and alraction
badly, and Casanova bribes him. For a
Hat he will never again be wel¬
for women. The plot is conderned
bmed by the arms of youth.
night he takes Lorenzi's place. In the
with Casanova's infatuation 10 Mar¬
There is only Venice left—and
morning,when Marcolina sees who her
#ice will not have him back as
colina, the 19-véar-old, beautiful
lover has been, she is horror-struck.
#e gay, enchanting man who had
and learned niece lof an old friend
Lorenzi is waiting in the garden; Casanova
be exiled—and he must creep
of his. Casanova. is speniding a few
jack, to spy upon those whose po¬
has to kill him to get away. Then he
days with his friend, on his way
itical machinations were suspected
rides off to Venice, where the city fathers
back to Venice; his unsuccesskul
#y the conncil.
will allow him at last to return, if he will
Meanwhile, the young lover of
and pitiful attempts to galn her
serve them as a spy.
he girl has been killed, in the last
favor; and finally the accomplish¬
Cazanova’s waning
The Author. Arthur Schnitzler, 68.
ment of his purpose when he steals
strength, and he must fly some¬
into her bedroom in the early dawn,
onetime physician (he practiced till he was
vhere. Despite his rage at the un¬
disguised as her young and hand¬
40). Jewish Viennese novelist and play¬
air and cruel treatment by his be¬
some lover, One of the most ef¬
oved city, die returns, old, bitter,
wright, has a heavy beard, frowns at the
fective and best scenes in the book
ind very weary. Even if onlj a
has rever been tothe 1.
neak and a spy. he tells himself.
is that wherein Casanova meets the
He says to hunsen: in some respects
ie serves his only lasting love.
young man in the garden, after he
I am the double of Professor Freud.
Leaving morals out of the ques¬
(Casanova) has just left Marco¬
Freud himself once called me his psychic
ion, a more pitiful study of senes¬
lina’s room, and kills him in self de¬
ence could scarcely be presented.
twin. I tread in literature the same path
fense in a duel, Youth facing Age.
The gay, the dashing, the sublime
which Freud explores with amazing audac¬
nd inimitable Cazanova, one feels,
Casanova’s Homecoming“ is re¬
ity in science.' Other (translated) nov¬
have grown old.
hould never
commended for adults, since it is
els: Fräulein Else, Beatrice, None But the
eath would have been more
written frankiy in the continenial
nereiful, since life was no longer
Brave, Rhapsody.
Short and simply told. Mr.
chnitzler’s tale is polished and
zell conceived, ably executed. Its
nost remarkable quality is the por
rayal of the old adventurer’s s##
ile Hassion for the worgang
is ageless love of
Donortr ####
Brocklyn Tines
May 1 1931
IFthey make noise enough, The Century Company will be open to
1 congratulations. One ofithe best advertisements used by Simon
& Schuster for“Casanova’s Hemecoming,“ by Arthur Snitzler, was
Brockiyn NY
a quotation from John Sumner’s condemnation of the boök, if any¬
Jan 18-31
thing would boost sales. that. would.
A LTHOUGH there was a resolution made on New Tear’s to stop
∆A hitting at John S. Sumner, secretary of the New Tork Society
for the Suppression of Vice, w. hereby slip to point out that Simon
& Schuster, the latest publisher to fall into his bad graces, is turn¬
ing his attack into propaganda for the book he sought to suppress.
Advertlsing is appearing for Casanova’s Homecoming,“ by
Arthur Schnitzler, which was vindicated by the magistrate before
whofi the book was brought by Mr. Sumner and later was declared
to be not obscene when Mr. Sumner insisteg it be considered by the
Grand Jury. The advertising quotes fronf Mr. Sumner:“ Cassa¬
nova’s Homecoming' is not only obscene, but constructively obscene.“
Courtnay Terrett called Mr. Sumner, in his book“Only Saps
Work,“ a muscleman for the ##ok racketeers.
* *