I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 138

box 4/11
eidents in whore houses. (See People v. Brainard,
192 App. Div. 816.)
Well of Loneliness,“ a novel dealing with sexual
abnormalities, inversion and Lesbianism. (See
People v. Donald Friede and Corici Friede, Inc.,
Court of Special Sessions, New York County, April
19, 1929.)
Jurgen, an imaginative and fantastic tale of
amorous adventures. (See opinion of Judge Nott of
the Court of General Sessions, October 19, 1922.)
"A Young Girl’s Diary' and“Women in Love“.
(See opinion of Magistrate Simpson in People v.
Seitzer, N. Y. L. J. September 30, 1922.)
Decameron of Boccaccio“ and“Heptameron“
(See In re Worthington, 30 N. V. Supp. 361.)
In all of these cases the courts were mindful of
the fact that the community had accepted the vol¬
umes. It is obvious that the law must keep in step
with the customs of the people; otherwise it docs
nothing but encourage disrespect and nullification.
Certain it is that President Butler of Columbia
University cannot bé called a supporter of porno¬
graphy. Surely the press of this city do not cham¬
pion smut. The department stores and bookdealers
of this land fall in line with the current mores of
the community. Are they all criminal? Who then
is out of step: the defendants in this case orthe
complainant, who for fifteen years has been bring¬
ing case after case into courts and never once pro¬
curing a conviction where the bookdealers and the
press and the educators have stood back of the
The newspapers and periodicals which have
severely criticised the prosecution of“Casanova’s
Homecoming,’ or have commended, reviewed er ad¬
vertised the book include: