I, Erzählende Schriften 30, Casanovas Heimfahrt, Seite 139

asanovas Heinfahr
8. — . .
box 4/11
Houston Gargoyle
New York Times
Boston Evening Transcript
New York Herald-Tribune
Portland Evening Press
New York World
Chattanooga News
New York Telegram
The Sunday Oregonian
The Evening World
Harper’s Magazine
New York Evening Post
Atlantie Monthly
Brooklyn Eagle
The Nation
Philadelphia Public Ledger
American Mercury
Chicago Evening Post
Saturday Review of
Los Angeles Record
The following notes are typical of the general re¬
ception accorded the book:
THE NATIoN—August 27, 1930:
„We cannot imagine a book less open to the
usual charges of obscenity than this, nor one
more calculated to fill the reader with loathing
for the life that Casanova led.?
NEw YonK TELEGRAM—August 19, 1930:
The book is in no sense erotic or offensive.
It is an effective portrayal of the tragedy of
senescence and the approach of age. It is a
powerful contribution to the psychological
analysis of individual experience. In addition,
it is a workof literaryartof the highest order.“
TriE EvENING WonLb—August 12. 1930:
•The real intent is to depict the absurdity of
a man past middle age who still fancies him¬
self a“lady-killer“. In a-sense, its effect should
be good. No roue of fifty can read it withont
seeing, as in a mirror, the absurd figure he
cuts, and withont being a bit ashamed.“
#It is difficult to understand how the book
can be objectionable to censoring minds.?
Some of the leading bookstores and department
stores that have handled the book are: