box 30/3
25. Professer Bernhand1
ess New Vork City
ing prenared her for the visit of her ] is not lost. Clearest of all is revealed j least, clalmed a special audience thal
confessor in which she reads her 1 Bernhardi’s own character. Impa¬
pald to it the tribute of ejaculation
death warrant.
tient, not undeserving of the adject¬
and applause offered by less edu¬
Simple Theme of Schnitzler'e
Dr. Bernhardi’s act is now made
ive arrogant“ which the priest
cated classes to pure melodrama.
the centre about which rages a con¬
finds for him, stiff-necked, single of
Realistic Drama
Many who read it will say that it
flict of differing opinions, each
purpose, no sophistry clouds the di¬
cannot be put on the stage with suc¬
throwing its light upon one aspect
rect working of his mind. At the
cess, To which the only answer is
of the situation which promptly be¬
end as at the beginning he is seen
that it has been put on the stage
acts by Arthur Schnitzler. Berlin: 8.
comes one of political significance.
quite innocent of the multitudinous
Fischer, Poblishen
with success, Americans will reflect,
The scene is laid in Vienna in the
purposes with whlch he is credited, in
however, that Irving Place is not Un¬
o dramatists of Schnitzler's
year 1900." It is truly frightful,“
essence that which is not so rare,
ter den Linden.
says some one,“ how with us Aus¬
type and school the stage is
after all, in our confused modern life,
trians all personal questions end in
an altogether simple man, whose
but a world and all the actors
politics.“ Patronage is withdrawn
unity of action springs from har¬
on it are but men and women.
from the institute of which Bern¬
mony of thought. Hofrat Winkler
His five-act drama,“ Dr. Bernhardi,
hardi is the head; the case even
asks at the close of the last act:
Is so far removed from the old tradi¬
reaches the courts; religion, business,
Wnat should you have achieved,
race, social position, efficial appoint¬
tion that the tag lover might almost
after all, my dear Professor, if you
ment, are all entangled in the mesh
had saved that poor person on her
be forgiven for calling it “a slice #f
of complicated prejudices thrown over
deathbed from a final shock? That
life.“ Its realism goes deep, and to
scems to me just like trying to solve
the occurrence, and the detail of local
the social question by making a
read it Is at least to realize the dif¬
conditions is so emphasized that the
presont of a villa to some poor
force of the original problem is weak¬
ference between the author who rests
ened for those outside the limited
Bernhardi answers:
his case on the use of current slang
cirele of Austrian sentiment. As af¬
for color and the author who has
Von like most of the others, my
fording a historical picture of the
dear Councilor, forget that I had
kept his mind hospitable to all phases
states of mind created by an act of
not the remotest idea of solving
of contemporary thought.
apparently offensive intention di¬
any question whatsoever, I simply
in one quite special case did what
rected at a certain time in a certaln
It cannot, however, be called in anp
I held to be the right thing.
place against a representative of
sense a“ world drama“ in spite of
Roman Catholicism, Schnitzler’s
As to the form of the play, it has
Its direct appeal to the mofal sense.
amazingly clever word play and
the apparent formlessness of most
The theme upon which it is con¬
thought play hardly can fail to take
dramas where the action belongs to
structed is simple enough.
a permanent place in literature.
the region of thought. As a matter
A girl in a hospital is paying with
Nor does he neglect to indicate the
of fact, it progresses without deflec¬
her life for “ her bit of youth and
source in human nature, irrespective
tion from the requirements of the
happiness and sin.“ At the end she
of race or religion, to which the
stage play. There is not even the
is visited by a mirage which comes
action of both the doctor and the
little bepuzzlement as to the true
often to the dying. She believes
priest may be traced. The scene be¬
protagonist which more than one
herself cured and abeut to return to
tween these two men, each of im¬
modern dramatist has introduced,
the warm world of life and jcy from
pregnable sincerity, is one that shows
testing the sagacity of his public.
which she has been so rudely ihrust
Schnitzler in his best light as a stu¬
There is no doubt about the pro¬
out. The director of the hospital, Dr.
dent of mankind.
tagonist, and there is no doubt about
Bernhardi, who is a Jew, a seientist,
The preliminary intercourse has re¬
the skill with which the cross rela¬
and a thinker of stern rectitude, con¬
vealed the deep gulf existing between
tions are kept well within the action.
siders it his duty as a physician to
the antagonistic points of view; at
But there needs to be more than
permit the patient to die in this delu¬
the end the priest impulsively ex¬
scrupulous technique to an acting
sion of well-being, without fear and
tends his hand. Before taking it
play to hold the interest of the audi¬
without angulsh.
Beinhardi asks with his constant un¬
ence, especially if the technique,
She, however, is a Catholle, and her
dertone of irony:
however scrupulous, supports a theme
nurse has summoned a priest. Dr.
remote from common interest. The
Bernhardi declines to admit him, giv¬
Across the abyss, your Reverence?
opinions that cross swords and fall
ing his reason:
and the priest replies:
in battle to rise and again cross
T am bound, when nothing fur¬
Let us—not look down into it—for
swords are so numerous that the
the moment!
ther les In my power to do for my
sick, at least to see to it that they
#aceidental Judgments“ and“ casual
die hoypy.
Also in the shower of words, hot
slaughiters“ of" Hamlet“ dwindle
and cold, that sting Bernhardi, as
in comparison, and the general audi¬
During the discussion that follows
friend and foe, false and true alike,
ence wearies of conflict so long and
the girl dies without having received
deliver their arguments, the opportu¬
violently sustained.
absolution, but in fear, the nurse hav¬
nity for much subtle characterization
The play in Germany, in Berlin at
25. Professer Bernhand1
ess New Vork City
ing prenared her for the visit of her ] is not lost. Clearest of all is revealed j least, clalmed a special audience thal
confessor in which she reads her 1 Bernhardi’s own character. Impa¬
pald to it the tribute of ejaculation
death warrant.
tient, not undeserving of the adject¬
and applause offered by less edu¬
Simple Theme of Schnitzler'e
Dr. Bernhardi’s act is now made
ive arrogant“ which the priest
cated classes to pure melodrama.
the centre about which rages a con¬
finds for him, stiff-necked, single of
Realistic Drama
Many who read it will say that it
flict of differing opinions, each
purpose, no sophistry clouds the di¬
cannot be put on the stage with suc¬
throwing its light upon one aspect
rect working of his mind. At the
cess, To which the only answer is
of the situation which promptly be¬
end as at the beginning he is seen
that it has been put on the stage
acts by Arthur Schnitzler. Berlin: 8.
comes one of political significance.
quite innocent of the multitudinous
Fischer, Poblishen
with success, Americans will reflect,
The scene is laid in Vienna in the
purposes with whlch he is credited, in
however, that Irving Place is not Un¬
o dramatists of Schnitzler's
year 1900." It is truly frightful,“
essence that which is not so rare,
ter den Linden.
says some one,“ how with us Aus¬
type and school the stage is
after all, in our confused modern life,
trians all personal questions end in
an altogether simple man, whose
but a world and all the actors
politics.“ Patronage is withdrawn
unity of action springs from har¬
on it are but men and women.
from the institute of which Bern¬
mony of thought. Hofrat Winkler
His five-act drama,“ Dr. Bernhardi,
hardi is the head; the case even
asks at the close of the last act:
Is so far removed from the old tradi¬
reaches the courts; religion, business,
Wnat should you have achieved,
race, social position, efficial appoint¬
tion that the tag lover might almost
after all, my dear Professor, if you
ment, are all entangled in the mesh
had saved that poor person on her
be forgiven for calling it “a slice #f
of complicated prejudices thrown over
deathbed from a final shock? That
life.“ Its realism goes deep, and to
scems to me just like trying to solve
the occurrence, and the detail of local
the social question by making a
read it Is at least to realize the dif¬
conditions is so emphasized that the
presont of a villa to some poor
force of the original problem is weak¬
ference between the author who rests
ened for those outside the limited
Bernhardi answers:
his case on the use of current slang
cirele of Austrian sentiment. As af¬
for color and the author who has
Von like most of the others, my
fording a historical picture of the
dear Councilor, forget that I had
kept his mind hospitable to all phases
states of mind created by an act of
not the remotest idea of solving
of contemporary thought.
apparently offensive intention di¬
any question whatsoever, I simply
in one quite special case did what
rected at a certain time in a certaln
It cannot, however, be called in anp
I held to be the right thing.
place against a representative of
sense a“ world drama“ in spite of
Roman Catholicism, Schnitzler’s
As to the form of the play, it has
Its direct appeal to the mofal sense.
amazingly clever word play and
the apparent formlessness of most
The theme upon which it is con¬
thought play hardly can fail to take
dramas where the action belongs to
structed is simple enough.
a permanent place in literature.
the region of thought. As a matter
A girl in a hospital is paying with
Nor does he neglect to indicate the
of fact, it progresses without deflec¬
her life for “ her bit of youth and
source in human nature, irrespective
tion from the requirements of the
happiness and sin.“ At the end she
of race or religion, to which the
stage play. There is not even the
is visited by a mirage which comes
action of both the doctor and the
little bepuzzlement as to the true
often to the dying. She believes
priest may be traced. The scene be¬
protagonist which more than one
herself cured and abeut to return to
tween these two men, each of im¬
modern dramatist has introduced,
the warm world of life and jcy from
pregnable sincerity, is one that shows
testing the sagacity of his public.
which she has been so rudely ihrust
Schnitzler in his best light as a stu¬
There is no doubt about the pro¬
out. The director of the hospital, Dr.
dent of mankind.
tagonist, and there is no doubt about
Bernhardi, who is a Jew, a seientist,
The preliminary intercourse has re¬
the skill with which the cross rela¬
and a thinker of stern rectitude, con¬
vealed the deep gulf existing between
tions are kept well within the action.
siders it his duty as a physician to
the antagonistic points of view; at
But there needs to be more than
permit the patient to die in this delu¬
the end the priest impulsively ex¬
scrupulous technique to an acting
sion of well-being, without fear and
tends his hand. Before taking it
play to hold the interest of the audi¬
without angulsh.
Beinhardi asks with his constant un¬
ence, especially if the technique,
She, however, is a Catholle, and her
dertone of irony:
however scrupulous, supports a theme
nurse has summoned a priest. Dr.
remote from common interest. The
Bernhardi declines to admit him, giv¬
Across the abyss, your Reverence?
opinions that cross swords and fall
ing his reason:
and the priest replies:
in battle to rise and again cross
T am bound, when nothing fur¬
Let us—not look down into it—for
swords are so numerous that the
the moment!
ther les In my power to do for my
sick, at least to see to it that they
#aceidental Judgments“ and“ casual
die hoypy.
Also in the shower of words, hot
slaughiters“ of" Hamlet“ dwindle
and cold, that sting Bernhardi, as
in comparison, and the general audi¬
During the discussion that follows
friend and foe, false and true alike,
ence wearies of conflict so long and
the girl dies without having received
deliver their arguments, the opportu¬
violently sustained.
absolution, but in fear, the nurse hav¬
nity for much subtle characterization
The play in Germany, in Berlin at