à molt
Ie ib acmnt Ciat the lache fremn the States lnd snic, itn
t0 use n somner phirase ot her conntrzinen, at least a vely
substantial mibble.
During the past twelvemonths of the Jewish Fear. now drawing to
aclose that affords an opportunitg to look back on the activities of
5696—and it hmppens tmt the Jewish New Neur comes just after tho
prineipal break in tie theatrieal season—there imve been devcloping in
the world vast general problemns afleeting the future of everg person
wlich Iive risento annenteness tiint ean no longer brook evasion. Tho
Judaco-Christian ideals and moralitg in govermnent and polities wilich
had gained a tennous foothold in the course of thie centuries, are being
threatened on all hands. A barbarian attuck fromn within is secking
to plunge Europe into a sccond Dark Age. Baal and Moloch aro
Mr. Leon M. L’on.
Leo Genn az" Brutus.“
trampling with their earthy fect on Old Testament and New alike;
and because of their material feebleness and the case with which hatred,
envy and spite can be roused against them, the people of God’s Book
are first to feel the venom of the new idolatry of brutish force. Here,
surely, is subject erging out for dramatie expression, In greater or
lesser application, this momentous drama that is unfolding before our
eyes offers a host of opportunities for constructive and vivid dramatie
treatment, If the widler application is still too close to us to be
emnployed for stage treatmnent, there is the more microcosmie aspect in
the fate of Jewry to-day.
Yet what do we find? In reviewing the year’s theatrical produe¬
tions we discover that te only play dealing with the Jewish problein
during that period was the revivalof the nineteentlrcentung“ Professor
Bernhardi,“ by Schnitzler—in which, by the way, the Jewish actor,
Abraham Sofaer, gave a memorable perforinance, Indeed, apart from
the very beautiful and inspiring ballet," David,“ by Poppaca Vanda, in
which Anton Dollin danced magnificently, this historical piece on
Viennese anti-Seinitism was the only West End theatrical production
of any kind during the year dealing with a Jewish subject. It is
difficult to fathom the cause for this anomalous state of affairs. As a
very frequent visitor to the theatre I have noticed that Jews aro
theatregoers in disproportienately large mmmbers. This ebservation is
borne out by more than a few persons in the theatre world and by
che close attention which is paid to matters of theatre interest and
reviews in these colmnns, as witnessed by the correspondence and
enquiries received from renders concehning theatre productions. On
the other hand, contrary to popular belief the munber of Jews on tho
managerial side of the profession is extremely smnall. Theatrical folk
in general are kindly and friendly and have a marked gift for getting
to know their fellow-men and women quickly. Tlis quality proves a
whiolesome barrierto anti-Seiitism as it does to anpthing in the naturo
of snobbishness or class distinction. Possibly it is the anziety which
inanagements feel lest a treatment of the Jewish problem might hurt
the feelings of the Jewish people that has kept Jewish matters rigidly
fromsthe theatre at a time wiien they are sostopieal.
Another cause was suggested to ine by a well-known manager, a
the play wlnch follewed was also be Jewish anthors. Bella umd Sammel
Speiruck, whose" Boy Meets Gil“ wus a verg brighit satire
on tlie filn business und miet with well-deserven poptlaritg. Hinnbert
Wolle's" Regerie of Pollccmmn.“ at die Mereing Theutie, wus an
Itstinl pocttenl worksstlin Ernst Tollers“ No Alure Pincr, pesented
at the“ Gate,“ was aMrdg eritieism of the war mentalitg.
Jewish actors during thie geur have not been prominent in the
profession. Abraimn Sofner’s brilliaut work in" Bernbardi“ came
after he lnd revealed considerable comedian powers in a rather stupid
plag. Leo Genn completed a season of verg worthy performmnees ab
the Old Vie, in wlich lis alrendy considerable talent advanced notice¬
ably. Olga Lindlo has lind two successes, in a revival of“ Wlute
Cargo“ and in a new play still running. Miss Smith.? That favourite
of thriller plag's. Ben Weldon, gave his usmal richlg amnsing version ofa
good-natured gangster in" Inside Stand“; Sehnn Vaz Dias appeare.l
in a revival of Butterfly on the Wheel“; Francis James devoted
sollie exeellent acting to a piece at the Embassy, entitled“ Goose¬
feather Bed“; while Leonard Sachs appeared in a piece entitled
Riviera.“ presented bze thie Play Society.
Mr. Henrg Cass completed another scason of brilliant productions
at the Old Vie, whlich, to the general regret, he has now left—after a
period of more than the usual length for producers at tliis great
Several events of Jewish interest have happened in the theatrical
world during thie gear. Mr. Léon M. Lion ran a brilliant Ibsen season
at the Criterion. M. Rene Blum, brother of the illustrious French
Premnier, brought the" Ballets de Monte Carlo? to the Alhambra.
London was honoured by a scason of Ballet Jooss at the Gaietv and
that great artist liad with him his inusieal director, a Jew, Fritz Cohen.
Herr Kurt Jooss this vear established a training centre at Dartington
Hall, in Devonshire. The founder of the Ballet whlich bears his name
is practically an exile from Germany, because hie cannot stomach the
clap-trap charlatanism which Nazism thrusts upon the people by way
of approved“art.?
In the carly months of the civil gear, the Widdish Folk Theatre,
under the direction of Mr. Nathan Isaacovitch, presented a scason of
Viddish productions at the Grand Palais, Commercial Road. In May,
this enterprise was honoured by the appearance, under its aegis, of
Mr. Henry Cass (right), the brilliant producer, discussing a part with
William Devlin.
Mmne. Diana Fineman, a pioneer of Viddish drama who was a star
perfonner at-the old Pavilion Theatre, Mile End, in its most flourishing
day's some twentge-five gears ago. Another event in the Yiddish theatre
world this gear was the retirement of Madame Fanny Waxman, after
forty vears of stage carcer. Madame Waxman can recall the days of
the old-tüne music-hall, complete with" Mr. Chairman.?
Finally, to return to the question of the dearth of“ Jewish?
plaks, with which this review opened, it miny be of value to recall a
certain iltuninating ineident wilch revéals get another reason whv
S#iichentes und mnagers fight shy of werks dealing with the Jewish
Problen teur of censorsliip. In Decemnber last, Miss Aileen Marson
Presenterta chärming little comedg about Vienna in which a page-ber¬
was gieen the name of Hezekiah Hitler. The German Embassy pro¬
tested. and whien Miss Marson declared she could see no reason to
“cut this hamless little joke. the Nazis proceded to pull Government
strings with the result that she was ultimatelr compelled to yield.
With such Foreign Otlice zeal for the susceptibilitg of political thugs
scho lave“ landed the swag“ in other ccnntries, the sphiere of plays
dealing with the Jewish heroie tragedy is indeed appreciably
Ie ib acmnt Ciat the lache fremn the States lnd snic, itn
t0 use n somner phirase ot her conntrzinen, at least a vely
substantial mibble.
During the past twelvemonths of the Jewish Fear. now drawing to
aclose that affords an opportunitg to look back on the activities of
5696—and it hmppens tmt the Jewish New Neur comes just after tho
prineipal break in tie theatrieal season—there imve been devcloping in
the world vast general problemns afleeting the future of everg person
wlich Iive risento annenteness tiint ean no longer brook evasion. Tho
Judaco-Christian ideals and moralitg in govermnent and polities wilich
had gained a tennous foothold in the course of thie centuries, are being
threatened on all hands. A barbarian attuck fromn within is secking
to plunge Europe into a sccond Dark Age. Baal and Moloch aro
Mr. Leon M. L’on.
Leo Genn az" Brutus.“
trampling with their earthy fect on Old Testament and New alike;
and because of their material feebleness and the case with which hatred,
envy and spite can be roused against them, the people of God’s Book
are first to feel the venom of the new idolatry of brutish force. Here,
surely, is subject erging out for dramatie expression, In greater or
lesser application, this momentous drama that is unfolding before our
eyes offers a host of opportunities for constructive and vivid dramatie
treatment, If the widler application is still too close to us to be
emnployed for stage treatmnent, there is the more microcosmie aspect in
the fate of Jewry to-day.
Yet what do we find? In reviewing the year’s theatrical produe¬
tions we discover that te only play dealing with the Jewish problein
during that period was the revivalof the nineteentlrcentung“ Professor
Bernhardi,“ by Schnitzler—in which, by the way, the Jewish actor,
Abraham Sofaer, gave a memorable perforinance, Indeed, apart from
the very beautiful and inspiring ballet," David,“ by Poppaca Vanda, in
which Anton Dollin danced magnificently, this historical piece on
Viennese anti-Seinitism was the only West End theatrical production
of any kind during the year dealing with a Jewish subject. It is
difficult to fathom the cause for this anomalous state of affairs. As a
very frequent visitor to the theatre I have noticed that Jews aro
theatregoers in disproportienately large mmmbers. This ebservation is
borne out by more than a few persons in the theatre world and by
che close attention which is paid to matters of theatre interest and
reviews in these colmnns, as witnessed by the correspondence and
enquiries received from renders concehning theatre productions. On
the other hand, contrary to popular belief the munber of Jews on tho
managerial side of the profession is extremely smnall. Theatrical folk
in general are kindly and friendly and have a marked gift for getting
to know their fellow-men and women quickly. Tlis quality proves a
whiolesome barrierto anti-Seiitism as it does to anpthing in the naturo
of snobbishness or class distinction. Possibly it is the anziety which
inanagements feel lest a treatment of the Jewish problem might hurt
the feelings of the Jewish people that has kept Jewish matters rigidly
fromsthe theatre at a time wiien they are sostopieal.
Another cause was suggested to ine by a well-known manager, a
the play wlnch follewed was also be Jewish anthors. Bella umd Sammel
Speiruck, whose" Boy Meets Gil“ wus a verg brighit satire
on tlie filn business und miet with well-deserven poptlaritg. Hinnbert
Wolle's" Regerie of Pollccmmn.“ at die Mereing Theutie, wus an
Itstinl pocttenl worksstlin Ernst Tollers“ No Alure Pincr, pesented
at the“ Gate,“ was aMrdg eritieism of the war mentalitg.
Jewish actors during thie geur have not been prominent in the
profession. Abraimn Sofner’s brilliaut work in" Bernbardi“ came
after he lnd revealed considerable comedian powers in a rather stupid
plag. Leo Genn completed a season of verg worthy performmnees ab
the Old Vie, in wlich lis alrendy considerable talent advanced notice¬
ably. Olga Lindlo has lind two successes, in a revival of“ Wlute
Cargo“ and in a new play still running. Miss Smith.? That favourite
of thriller plag's. Ben Weldon, gave his usmal richlg amnsing version ofa
good-natured gangster in" Inside Stand“; Sehnn Vaz Dias appeare.l
in a revival of Butterfly on the Wheel“; Francis James devoted
sollie exeellent acting to a piece at the Embassy, entitled“ Goose¬
feather Bed“; while Leonard Sachs appeared in a piece entitled
Riviera.“ presented bze thie Play Society.
Mr. Henrg Cass completed another scason of brilliant productions
at the Old Vie, whlich, to the general regret, he has now left—after a
period of more than the usual length for producers at tliis great
Several events of Jewish interest have happened in the theatrical
world during thie gear. Mr. Léon M. Lion ran a brilliant Ibsen season
at the Criterion. M. Rene Blum, brother of the illustrious French
Premnier, brought the" Ballets de Monte Carlo? to the Alhambra.
London was honoured by a scason of Ballet Jooss at the Gaietv and
that great artist liad with him his inusieal director, a Jew, Fritz Cohen.
Herr Kurt Jooss this vear established a training centre at Dartington
Hall, in Devonshire. The founder of the Ballet whlich bears his name
is practically an exile from Germany, because hie cannot stomach the
clap-trap charlatanism which Nazism thrusts upon the people by way
of approved“art.?
In the carly months of the civil gear, the Widdish Folk Theatre,
under the direction of Mr. Nathan Isaacovitch, presented a scason of
Viddish productions at the Grand Palais, Commercial Road. In May,
this enterprise was honoured by the appearance, under its aegis, of
Mr. Henry Cass (right), the brilliant producer, discussing a part with
William Devlin.
Mmne. Diana Fineman, a pioneer of Viddish drama who was a star
perfonner at-the old Pavilion Theatre, Mile End, in its most flourishing
day's some twentge-five gears ago. Another event in the Yiddish theatre
world this gear was the retirement of Madame Fanny Waxman, after
forty vears of stage carcer. Madame Waxman can recall the days of
the old-tüne music-hall, complete with" Mr. Chairman.?
Finally, to return to the question of the dearth of“ Jewish?
plaks, with which this review opened, it miny be of value to recall a
certain iltuninating ineident wilch revéals get another reason whv
S#iichentes und mnagers fight shy of werks dealing with the Jewish
Problen teur of censorsliip. In Decemnber last, Miss Aileen Marson
Presenterta chärming little comedg about Vienna in which a page-ber¬
was gieen the name of Hezekiah Hitler. The German Embassy pro¬
tested. and whien Miss Marson declared she could see no reason to
“cut this hamless little joke. the Nazis proceded to pull Government
strings with the result that she was ultimatelr compelled to yield.
With such Foreign Otlice zeal for the susceptibilitg of political thugs
scho lave“ landed the swag“ in other ccnntries, the sphiere of plays
dealing with the Jewish heroie tragedy is indeed appreciably