II, Theaterstücke 18, Der einsame Weg. Schauspiel in fünf Akten (Junggeselle, Junggesellenstück, Die Egoisten, Einsame Wege, Wege ins Dunkle, Weg zum Licht), Seite 658

THE Gulld is setting right to work
on Schnitzier's The Lonely Way,“
and its rchearsals will begin tomorrow
aftèrnoon, or periiaps even tomorrow
morning. It will probably open out
of town by the middle of next month.
and the Guilders hope and expect
that it will be ready to come to New
York in time to replace Elizabeth, the
Queen“ at the Martin Beck Theater in
March, when that drama takes to its
travels among the outlying sub¬
scelbers. The impression thatThe
Lonely Way“ is a new work of
Schnitzler's seems to be a wrong one.
It is new to this country, but Herr
Schnitzler wrote it in 1914,The
Gulld boughtrit eighteruihe years
ago and has had it on a comfortable
shelf ever since.
Schnitzler Play
Ralph Roeder will play the role
originally assigned to Tom Powers in
the Theatre Guild production of

Schnitzler’s The Lonely Way.
which opens in Balttmöre tonight.
Mr. Roeder will stay in the part until
Mr. Powers, who recently suffered a
fractured bone in the leg, is able to
take it over.“ The Lonely Way,“
following its engagement in Balti¬
more, will play Washington and Cin¬
einnati and then a three weeks en¬
gagement at the Illinois Theater,
Chicago, on March 9.
+Lonely Way,“ newest Theatre
Guild effort, opened in Baltimore
Monday (16) and will be on the road
three or four weck.s before coming
to New York. New York date not
get set. Play is by Schnitzler, mak¬
ing the second play this season from
the pen of the Viennese playwright,
other being Anatol,“ produced by
Bela Blau.
4 X
Baltimore Gets The Lonely Way'—Meta¬
physics in Chicago—A Mystery Drama
NO Baltimore, ono of its very ]presentation in New Tork. Pending
the date on whichLanzaro“ takes
Tavorlte starting points, the
an eastbound train, if it ever does,
Theatre Guild tock Arthur
you havs the verdict of Charles Col¬
Schnitzler's The Lonely Way“
lins of The Chicago Tribune as fol¬
for tryout proceeding last Monday
night. Ford’s Theatre, as usual, saw
the inaugural, in the playing of
Luigi Pirandello's Laxzaro, which
was given its first American acting
which were such actors as Ralph
Roeder, Helen Carew, Charles Fran¬
by the Goodman Theatre's company
cis, Glenn Anders and Violet Kom¬
on Tuesday night, deals with a case
ble Cooper, The Baltimore Sun,
of resurrection from death by the
which evidently had its doubts about
injection of adrenalin into the heart.
going to the library fer plays,
This bit of information should cause
narrated the events of the evening
the playgoer to prick up his ears and
in something of this wise:
Every princlpal has at least one
„ Well, that’s certainly up to date
and in accord with the latest theo¬
deep secret grief and many open
ones, and the only satisfaction they
ries of the medical wisemen. Let’s
appear to get out of life is the ex¬
have a full report upon this scien¬
pression of their sadness in well¬
tific miracle in the drama.“
turned phrases. These people, who
But when you hear that this au¬
lived in 1904 (a fact which may ex¬
rious incident merely serves as a peg
plain much of their grief), are not
upon which Pirandello has hung
content with being sad and talking
three verbose and motionless acts of
about it. They are given also to self¬
rellgious discussion, your curiosity
pity; indeed, there is as much self¬
may lose some of its edge. That sort
pity in it as sorrow.
of thing can be overdone in the the¬
The characters, moreover, are
atre; in fact, among our most suc¬
cessful playwrights arguments over
thoroughly disagreeable, persons,
jundged by confemporary standards.
religious faith are taboo, unless
They are failures and fumblers,
agreeably sensationallzed with sex
weak#ngs and cowards, selfish and
morbialy self-centred. They lie and
And in Lazzaro,' which might
have undercover love affairs, they
just as well be called Lazarus,
are promiscuous and they kill them¬
Signor Pirandello, master mind of
selves, and they are forever talking
the medern Italian drama, has over¬
about their own faults and the faults
done the subject in an emphatie
of their friends.
manner. He has been as expositional
The worst of it is, the spectator
and argumentative and re-historical
is never quite convinced that these
as any young pseudo-Ibsen who prac¬
people are justified in their griefs,
ticed the thesis drama back in 1908.
and so is not quite able to sympathize
The play was staged in Italy in 1928,
with any one for long.
but it sounds as if it might have been
Two generations are represented.
exhumed from a trunk that had been
Von Sala (Ralph Roeder), Gabrielle
in storage for twenty years.
(Helen Carew), Professor Wegrat
“I felt, as I gave patient ear to
(Charles Francis), Julian (Glenn An¬
the long, monotonous speeches with
ders), and Irene Herms (Violet Kem¬
which Pirandello describes the perils
ble Cooper) are the oldsters. They
of religious fanaticism and the spiri¬
have been increasingly sorrowful for
tual doubts of his characters, that
ascore of years and more as a result
time had turned backward in its
of selfish and foolish things done in
flight. had an impression that 1
their youth. Johanna Wegrat and
was attending a session, not of the
Felix (Joanna Roos and Walter Coy)
to #
Goodman Repertory Company, but
are just at the beginning of their own
of Donald Robertson’s band of hope,
sorrows when the play opens, and by
which struggled so earnestly and
the time it closes they have been
somberly with the deeper, duller as¬
overborne completely.
pects of tho literary drama a full
" The Lonely Way’ does bulld up
generation ago.
from act to act; it is well con¬
structed on the whole; it has power¬
The central character, a certain
ful closing lines, and it is written
Diego, householder and farm owner
in an elegant and carefully pollshed

in some remote section of Italy, is a
manner. It is pitched on a high plane
zealot who has ravaged his family
and has sincerity and purpose.“
life with the austerity and religious
fanaticism of his temperament. His
TIIWO years after it was first pro¬
wife has left him to become the mate
duced in Huddersfleld, England,
of a peasant. His son is an anemic,
Signor Pirandello’s Lazzaro'
depressed student for the priesthood,
has reached a production in Chicago,
ready to renounce the cassock. His ert
where the Goodman Theatre Com¬
daughter is a hopeless paralytlo.
pany took to lts metaphysics as late¬
This man is so insistent upon fine fre
ly as last week. During the interval
polnts of theology that when a phy¬
between thetwo productions nothing,
siclan experiments with adrenalin
it seems, had particularly happened
upol his daughter’s dead rabbit and
to Lazzaro' except that Charles
brings it back to life he will not per¬
Hopkins once acquired the rights for