II, Theaterstücke 18, Der einsame Weg. Schauspiel in fünf Akten (Junggeselle, Junggesellenstück, Die Egoisten, Einsame Wege, Wege ins Dunkle, Weg zum Licht), Seite 657

18. Der einsane Neg
South bend Ind
APR 201930
Listed among the proposed Thea¬
ter Guild productions for next seas
son are plays by two distinguished
Viennese authors whose works ard
published in America by Simon and
Schuster—Arthur Schnitzler and
Franz Werfel. Another noteworthy
production will be the staging of a
play by William Bolitho, author of
Twelve Against the Gods, also
published by The Inner Sanctum of
Simon and Schuster. Mr. Bolitho's
play is as yet without a title and will
be directed by Marc Connelly.
N Y Mirror
The Lonely Way.“
By Schnitzler,
Next Guild Play
The Theatre Guild's next pro¬
duction will be Arthur Schnitzler’s

The Lonely Way,“ described by
the Guild, in previous announce¬
Iments, as a tragic-comedy. It goes
into rehearsal shortly, under the
direction of Philip Moeller.
Preparations are also under way
for 4 production this Spring of
Miracle at Verdun,? the play by
the late Hans Chlumberg, which
the Guild acquired following its
successful presentation in Leipzig.
box 23/5
H Y Revien
Jan 17-31
von Ghchbnnt
Producers Still Lining Un„
Productions for Sho ing
Early in Year
The Mesers-Shubert have secured
two new plays by Jack Hayes for early
productions next season. One of them
is entltled “Riverside Drive“ and thel
other," Hercules.“ Hayes has been
writing scenarios at Hollywood and is
the author of many successful flims.
The Timber Wolf,“ a new play by¬
John E. Foung, will be produced soon
with John Nicholson as principal play¬
actors from the cast of“ The Apple
er. It’s a story of the northwoods.
Cart“ and from the company now con¬
(Green Grow the Lilacs“ by Lynn
cluding its tour in A Month in thef
Riggs, opens at the Guild Theatre, Jan.
26. Midnight,“ now at that house, will
Preparations are now being made
move. Lilacs“ cast includes June
for the Gulld’s production of Miracle
ien Westley, Franchot Tone,
at Verdun,“ the Hans Chlumberg plar
Ric# ½e and a flock of cowboys. Ito which the American rights were ac¬
Ant##end,“ an English play by
quired shortly after its recent produc¬
Douglas Murray, has been bought by
tion at the Schauspielhaus in Leipzig.
Jesse Levinson, lawyer. Levinson will
Casting for the Edward Foran-Wil¬
not actually produce the show, but will
lard Keefe play, Privilege Car,“ has
have a piece of it, with the Shuberts
been completed, and rehearsals will
slated to produce.
commence under the direction of Mel¬
(The Gay 90’s,“ by Willlam A. Grew
ville Burke on Monday, January 26.
and Harry Delf has gone into rehearsal
The cast, numbering seventeen plar¬
for L. Lawrence Weber, William Fried¬
ers, includes Lee Patrick, Henry Wads¬
lander directing. Cast includes Victor
worth, J. Hammond Dailey, William
Moore, Fiske O’Hara, Ara Gerald, Wil¬
Corbett, William Foran, Elisha Cook,
liam Frawley, Roger Gray. Play 18
Jr., Myrta Bellair, Harry Tyler and
Frederick Malnolm. The opening of
the Proad Street, Newark, Jan. 26.
the new play will occur in Washington,
Marlus,“ by Marcel Pagnol, cur¬
February 16.
rently rehearsing for the road, stars
Otis Skinner, the cast including Fred
Tiden, Donald Blackwell, Homer Bar¬
ton, Mary Howard. This play was pre¬
viously produced in New York as
Marseilles“ but was not a success.
Sour Grapes,“ by Vincent Law¬
rance, produced in 1926 by William
Harrls, Jr., is reported coming in again,
this time with Lester Bryant as pro¬
ducer. Equity has notified Bryant to
appear at the Equity office before he
proceeds with the show to clear up
back play debts.
-Real MeCoy,“ an Irish play an¬
nounced short while ago by Sam Low¬
ett, but off, starting un for another try
and now casting. Arthur Sinclair and
Marie O'Neill, Irish actors, listed for
the first try, are now in Europe and
won't be in the show, if and when.
Arthur Schnitzler’s play,The Lonely
Way,“ which has been listed for some
Ume among the Theatre Guild’s tenta¬
tive productions, will go into rehearsal
shortly under the direction of Philip
Moeller. The play which is deserlbed
as a tragi-comedy, will be the Guild’s
next production, and will employ