II, Theaterstücke 16, (Lebendige Stunden. Vier Einakter, 3), Die letzten Masken (Der sterbende Journalist), Seite 4

box 22/2
16.3. Die letzten asken
S□ ihast De mmted chat ne aeteu u
is a fair excuse in the fact that he had to begin wicn a long
soliloquy. “ In a Hospital, by Arthur Schnitzler, translatedb##
Christopher Horne—item No. 2—is a curious, rather audacious
experiment in play-making. It is difficult exactly to point out in
A good many peopie have found their way to
lut, what it is novel; perhaps, indeed, its ouly novelty lies in the fact
che Court Theatre of late, since the“ Vedrenve¬
that the author has attempted to give subtleties and fine shades
Barzer Mt#nges kave beeu in progress. Such plav¬
beyond the range of drama, Aathe title suggests, the play passes
goers may bo cordially alvised ts repeat their vistt.
in the ward of a hospital. The central figure is Rademacher, an
and those whe have not bee# 10 follow the example
while ihe present “triple bill“ is being given; for
elderly journalist, dying of somethilig with an ummentioned Latin
two of the three pieces are something a good deal
name, Mas bad luck and failure. A'sort of friendship exists
more than mereiv worth seeing. The fiest of che
between him and Florian Schubart, a cönsumptive actor, who,
ihree is of small aceount. This is 7. Pot or
Bret#, by Mr. W. B. Veats, nominilly a farse. butat
though within eight days of death, has the tppical optimism of
best uo more than verv laintlg amusing. Ahungry
the consumptive and is making eager plans for the future.
tramp—lhe sceue is in Irelanl—sails aba cottage in
Rademacher is sitting in a chair facing the audience throughout
search of a meal. Tie womon is mean, and, guess¬
the play, and to me perhaps the chief interest in the matter läy
ing his errand, refuses before he achs. le is artful,
and producing a sione from his pocket, tells her
in the cxtraordinary play Si light and shadow upon the rugged
that it has mazie properties, thit placed simply
face of Mr. Beveridge, the actor, wlio presented some superb
in a cooking pot it will producs excelient!
studies. The dying journalist has an intense longing see
broth. She believes, it is put to the test.
the man, howerer, artfully contriving to aad in¬
Weihgart, a successful rival of whom he is hideously jealous.
gredients, and he leaves ihe stone, taking with him
His repulsive dying wish is to humiliate tlie man wlo has done
in eschange a chicken and a bostle of whisky. Mr.
him no wrong by telling him that his wife has been faithless;
Pateman did what was possible in this over-elaborated
trille with the part of the wayfarer.
61x run Hospirar.“
The second piece, Z# #the Mospita', translatell by
Mr. Christopher Horne Trom the German of Hlerr
Arthur Schuitzler, is an extremely powerkul little
piay, and a remarkable ouc, morenver. There 18
practically no action: tho man ou whom everything
depends never moves from thechair in which, indeed,
he is dying, and yet the simple littie drama holds tne
audiencs irredistiblv. In an extra ward of tbe Vienna

General Hospital Karl Rademacher’s life is cübing
awav. IIis career has been a failure. He narworked !
this, of course, is a ghastly basis for a play. We learn
hard as a hack journalist to earn a scanly wage, und
the naturc of his wish from the fact that in a very strained
what has madeit all the more bitter is that, while he
scene he rchearses with Florian Schubart his proposed specch.
has gone down his eld companion, Alexender
Weihgart arrives; he behaves amiably, though, in manner (and
Weihgart, no cleverer or more capable Rade¬
macher is convinged, has steadily ascended.
this is a qucstion of stage direction or acting) ke is objectionably
His own earnest desire is to meeb the man he regards
katuous and patronising. The audience expects the explosion;
as his successful rivel, to let him knowthat bis friend¬
none happens. There are long silences, and the scene ends with
ship has been a pretence, that he hates him; and he
is overjoyell when the Doctor consents to ask
Weihgart going in peace, whilst the play closes with the deathof
Weihgart to come. There is an actor, Florian
Rademacher. What is exactly the explanation of the dying
Schubart, also in the hospital, and he uuggests. a
journalist’s conduct one can only guess, aided by a last word or
rehearsal of the coming sceue; he will be Weihgart—
two. Even now I am doubtful whether he was silent because of
what has Rademagher to say to him? The writer
begirs his venomous prade, he casts the mask aside.
the kind speeches of his former friend or because some moral
tells the other what he has longed to tell, and winds
change caused by his illness drove away his evil wish. In some
up with a cruel stab--Weihgart's wife, he
respects the play is powerful, but it points towards a goal that is
declares, has beeu bis mistrese. Eshausted by the
effort, for his wrath has carried him beyond bis
never reached. There are nice reticences and agreeable hints and
strength, he is lying quietly back in his chair
suggestions of character, but the audience is too puzzled for deep
wien Weihgart arrives, and beglas to talk
feeling. Wilat a pity that one cannot build big things with
soothingly, to lament bis old comrade's mistertunes,
to speal of the disappointments and irritations that
negatives! Still, the work held the house very well, This toa
have constantly affected himself in the midlst of bis
J. D.
great extent was duc to the admirable acting of Mr.
apparent prosperitr; and Rademacher is gradually
Beveridge in the character ol the dying man. Mr. George
moved to gentler theughts, bis fury passes; wien the
Trollope's work was skilful as the consumptive patient, and Miss
allotted quarter of an horé has gone the two part
n all kinduess, Weibgart iever dreaming that auy
Isabel Grey ghowed some cleverness as a nurse.
hard thought has been in his old friend's mind. Mr.
The programme ended with a joke by Mr. Bernard Shaw,
J. D. Beveridke plays Rademacher wich atriking force
entitled“ How Hle Lied to Her Husband,“ a droll piece with one
and finish. Complex asthe dring mau's fancies may
###cellent comie iden, hut some humours that r#f##
be, they are always expressed with perfect clearness.
The actor, who does nothing iil, has certainiy not for
a long time done anything better: it is à studywhich
will dwell in the recollection of thoso who see it.
Mr. George Trollope was also excellent as Schu¬
Lart, bat Mr. Rudge Harding, as Weihgart,
lacked eincerity; his manner, indeed, rather
expressed patronage than sympathy, and che reason
for tbe chauge in Rademacher was not made so com¬
prehensible as it ehould have beeu. The doctor was
well played by Mr. Howard Sturge and the nurse by
Miss Isabel Grey.
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