II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 333

box 9/1
4.9. Anato
He Passes Through Five of Them
in One Evening at
Little Theatre.
John Barremore is the Man, and a
Fair quintette Mel¬
Him out.
LITTLE THEATREThe Affairs of An¬
a sequence of episodes in five scenes.
By Arthur Schnitzler.
The Cant.
Anatol........................ John Barry
Maxw York
Marguerite la
Bianca. Kan-
Mimos en
Walter Alfred De Ball
Gabrielle Katherine Emme
Franz Albert Edele
A most exciting relay contest between
leading women is taking place at the
little that the nights. In fact,
the struggle is equated in interest only
by the relay contest between Winthrop
Ames carefully edited and restricted
The Affairs of Anatol. M.
Amen initial offering of the season at
his to play house, no less than five lead¬
ing women compete for first honor.
Euch is allowed one big scene, after
which she takes a curtain call and re¬
tires more or less graciously in favor
of her successor. Thus do we behold
that rare uudistery spectacle of Miss
Guil Kane relieving Miss Marguerite
Clark, Miss Doris Kenne in turn com¬
ing to the rescue of Miss Kane, Miss
Katherine Emme taking up the bur¬
den where Miss Kenne left off, and
finally Miss Isabella Lee bringing the
sport to a hilarious conclusion.
The scheme of "Anatole must have
suggested to Mr. Ames also the idea of
dividing first night devotions among a
number of audiences. No man knows
just when the première of Anto
actually took place, unless it be an
attache of the little Theatre. Formal-
und for publication Mr. Ames opened
the playhouse on Saturday night and
found it to be in good condition. An¬
other opening for critics and invited
guess took place last evening, and the
general public may apply for seats to¬
Anson is obvious.
But at Saturday's performance only
members of the newspaper and theatri¬
cal professions made up the complement
of 299 persons, regarded as a quorum
in West Fortfourth street, and it was
whispered that Mr. Aries, with a com¬
mandable desire to separate the wheat
from the chaff, had given other invita¬
tion performes earlier in the week
ta friends in social circle who pre¬
ferred not to mingle with the ho pollo.
inasmuch as Mr. Ames regularly invites
his audience to step downstairs during
intermissions and partake informally of
coffee, the reason for sorting out and
classifying the Audiences is obvious.