II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 334

one had given other invita¬
tion performances earlier in the week
to friends in the social circle who pre¬
ferred not to mingle with the hoi pollo.
inasmuch as Mr. Ames regularly invites
lis audience to step downstairs during
intermissions and partake informally of
coffee, the reason for sorting out and
classifying the audiences is obvious.
Otherwise, there might take place the
gaucherie of Glenmore (Stuffy") Davis
asking Alfred wynne Vanderbilt to
pass the sugar, or of H. H. Frazee sa-
ing to Mr. Astor, Lady can't I
a little of this cream into your cup
The arrangement, therefore, was most
ideal, and at every performance thus
for each set has enjoyed itself huely,
since everybody present has been on
calling terms with bis neighbor. The
scheme really is an improvement over
George C. Tyler's plan to assemble one
exclusively highrow audience for a per¬
formance of The New Sin.
for the performance of Anatol.
it was exactly what those familiar wit
he Arthur Schnitzler sketches mus
have expected.
Avowedly episodie
Affairs of Anatole teils in fi¬
nes of as many love affairs of the
volatile Viennese bachelo
objects of his fickle affect
puslike coquette
Another Bau-

and plays of
and not
ich constitute its
The sketches contain
psychological insight
felicius op¬
dialogue will be best enjoyed by
non observed the types depicte
ven of pleasantry runs through
sketches and the five scenes ripple with
mart allusions to the relationship of
the sexes,
Mr. Ames has produced Anatole
quisit. Each of the different scene
is a marvel of good taste and detail. Th.
players also have been chosen with
discreet knowledge of their fitness to
the roles assigned, and it is due to Mr
Ames to record that he has established
self as one of our most paistaking
dramatic producers,
Barrytore and York.
John Barry more was the Anatol with
a une repression of the Barrymore fip
nacy, sincerity which he gave to
Anatol in each of the love affairs was
the very spirit of the sketches. Oswald
Yorke made an excellent foil for him as
the more cynical friend.
would be, indeed, difficult to dis¬
tribute the honor justly among the lead¬
ing women. Each suited her rose with
distinction. Miss Clark was winsome
cunning and eure as little Hilda Ga¬
Kane was a handsomme picture as the
circus lady. Doris, Kane never acted so
well in her career, as in her portraya
of the opera singer who is about to leave¬
Anatol for a poor musician in the or¬
chestra, and who, therefore, is intent on
drinking all the champagne possible at
her last supper with Anatol. Katherine
Emmet played Gabrielle, the married
woman, with a depth of feeling and a
fine sense of pathos, and Isabell Lee
gave a realistic exhibition of hysteries
when Lena discovers that Anatol is to
leave her for a bride.
The production of The Affairs of
Anatole is worthy in ever, respect.
4.9. Anatol - Zyklus
box 9/1