II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 369

making up his mind to step out and be
married at 12:30 o'clock, smashes the dishes
in his flat while he dances on the piano in
terror, wildly waying a bridal bouquet and
begging his friend Max to leash the tigress.
Another of the episodes presents a married
woman lamenting her fidelity as wife and
mother, a kind of loyalty she describes as
cowardice." It is her conviction that had
she been "brave she might have been
happy with Anatol. She sentimentalizes
prettily to that effect and finally sends
Anatol on his way with a bunch of pink
roses for another of his girls.
The makishness of this composition
occasionally is assuaged by its deft mockery.
for Dr. Schnitzler has a knack for a neat
phrase and a sapient reflection, but most
of it is cackle, cackle, cackle cackle, chatter,
chatter, chatter, clack, clack, clack until
ten minutes to eleven.
. . . . .
The intention of the thing is deplorable,
its effect is tedious and insipid. The adult
mind will dismiss it in ten minutes; the esti¬
mate of the value of life that the youth¬
ful observer will acquire from it would.
we should think, be sickly and, therefore
In any case, it is an unsavory thing for
he Chicago Theater Society under the
suspices of which this engagement is played
to bring before the town.
. . . . .
Of the five episodes contained in Mr.
arke's arrangement of the play one was
nade interesting last evening by Miss Doris
Kennes capital impersonation of a disso¬
tous in named always
imi." This baggage, flaunting her paste
tems and her atrocious table manners,
me to a supper Anatol is giving in a
habby restaurant. It is his purpose to tell
he girl he is breaking with her. That was
heir agreementan amicable parting when
bey were weary. Mimi has fallen in love
ith a performer in the orchestre at the
eater and she is going to live with him.
te and Anatol wrangle over the decision
d. before he has learned its full import,
asks, Do you mean that some one has
ked you to marry him?
Oh, responded the charmer. I wouldn't
ow you over for that
verybody in the audience who had ever
ked around the Grillparzer monument
the Thiergarten considered this terrific¬
Viennes and laughed right out,
oor, shody imitations of continentais,
the scene!
ss Kerne sketched the gluttony, the
melessness, the diabolical spurts of tem¬
the drawing languors and the mercenary
t of the poor painted doll with remar¬
e truth and remarkable humor. She
did nothing and she touched the girl
life this Becky Sharp of show-girls,
a kind of Hogarthian gusto in her
was real impersonation and Miss Keane's
blooded portrayal made the shrill dab¬
ne of most of the others in the cast seem
an amateur struggle to be naughty
he rest of the episodes were devoted to
experiments of the two morbid young
is with the girls, teasing them, mo¬
at them, abusin them, making game
them, the whole winding up with the
ctacle of the noisiest girl raving while
tol danced on the piano.
on Barry more, describing
philosopher, gave a weakened, mon¬
us, mirthless performance as Anatol.
for the London company now at the Stud
acting was without cadence, but occa¬
ly, by means of a certain quaint combler.

placeness, he won a laugh. At other
With the engagement of Stella Hammer
les he resembled a rising young under¬
stein for an important part in "The Ur¬
ter going conscientiously to work, Per¬
ps Anatol of Vienna was that.
the cast for Edwin Milton Royles pla¬
Sy winks and nods Mr. Yorke strove to
The company now includes May Buckey
mate the monoton, and the grime of sie Herbert, Frank Sheridan, are
exercises with fun and spirit, but ils Browne, Frederick Burton, John Stokes and
ccess, through no fault of his own, was Mrs. R. E. French. The Unwritten Law
t decisive.
will be produced at the Cort Theater in
Miss Emmett spoke the speeches of the
ing married woman very prettily.
. . . .
Of course you admire Shakespeare?
. . . . .
should say, replied the man
so Hamilton, author of The Ein¬
of modern methods. Anybody who could
se of Virtue." is revising the manuscript
make the success that he did without intro¬
Israel als The War God with
ducing ragtime or turkey-trotting was a
view to producing it as a matinée piece wonder." The Washington Star¬
4.9. Anato
box 9/11