II, Theaterstücke 4, (Anatol, 8), Anatol, Seite 370

len an¬
Ringstrasse. He had so few of the fasci¬
nations of personality that are essential to
Anatol. Fancy, light or melancholy; illu¬
sion or disillusion; and the unconscious NOT
ironies of both, were not in him. Mr.
Brown, who acted Anatol last evening,
obviously of London, and not of Vienna, in
A Capital Performance of Schnitzlers his speech, aspect and bearing, but therein
he takes only the corresponding liberty to
Series of Ironic Comedies in Miniature
Mr Barke's paraphrase of the German
— Si
A New Choice and Order with Them¬
text that he spoke. What is much more
important, M. Browne gave Anatolight
Innovations in Settings — Acting That
ness and grace of bearing, a quick mind, a
Accorded with Play and Personages-The sensitive an anciful spirit, nerves that
might easily fretted or stimulated, a
Pleasant, Stimulating, Sophisticated
hunger for adventures, and hardly less
for refleen old. The wistfulness
Flavor of it all
of dision the joy of illusion chased
each other hadow and sunshine
RONIC comedy, frankly diverting and
across the personation. It had fascina¬
high-spirited American farce and
tion and in both are essential
Viennese operetta true to type (after
to Ana besides, with all its
it has been remade on this side of the
Atlantic) provided the new bilis at the the expressive intonation that
Boston theatres last evening. The ironisch die character and da¬
to se
comedy or rather a succession of them in
The commenting and contrast¬
miniature was Schnitzler's "Anatol," cap¬
no less well. If it is hard
tally acted and novelly set on the stage at
for the spectator to figure
the to by the company of the little ha¬
Anato to speech, it
tre of Chicago. At its hands Boston at
must der for the actor to isolate
last saw a novel play and received much of
him, he will fall into the category
the true savor of it.
of the table. The women were su¬
A new and original force of the recently often more and only once
American school of ingenious idea, Officer
less actes of Gabrielle merely
666, came to the Park to replace "The
skimme surface of a personage whose
is the
very has the suggestion of inner
Woman." It is the story of a wealthy
trait and mood, but Miss Hyman went
young New Yorker who returns from Eu¬
deep into the cavernous Emily and it was
rope to find that a thief has appropriated
good to see Mimi, the tipsy, and Bianca, the
his name, his house, his pictures and his
common, acted with some verisimilitude to
in the
sweetheart. The hero borrows a patro¬
their species after the over refinements of the
man's uniform and goes to the rescue. Mr. Ames polite ladies. The women of, down.
With much ingenuity the author has ad¬
the Chicago company sought the truth and
no more than they have their audiences
ded a platoon or two of police and many
balked at it. It has been known to be more
thrills out of melodrama. The result, well
interesting than elegance.
enough acted by Mr. Abeles and notably
by George Nash, makes a most amusing
So lightly and vividly played, with such
simplicity of means and sophistication of
and original evening's entertainment.
understanding, "Anatol provided enter¬
The afternoon brought a special per¬
tainment and also reflection that rarely
formance at the Shubert, of Hauptmann's
come from the American stage. Schnitz¬
latest drama Gabriel Schillings Flucht,
is tel
ler asks a sophisticated audience that is
with the company from the Irving Place perhaps more interested in the ironie ob¬
Theatre, New York. The play is a discur¬
than in the busy living of it, which, as
sive, but thoughtful and moving picture of
everyone knows, is often dull. He asks
suffering and tortures of conflicting passion
besides an audience ready to agree that the
in an artist and a woman. The acting of
contemplation of love as it plays in others
the company was excellent, Rudolf Chris¬
is much more interesting than the mere
tians's quite remarkable. It was as fine
making of it ourselves. Ho asks it to for¬
and moving naturalism as Boston has seen get the love that on the stage and in
books and in music is a deep and some¬
in its first class theatres.
times a tragic passion. We cannot have
Besides a return visit from "The Pink
always to do with depths and heights and
Lady, with quite as good a performance
grandeurs. They are a little choking,
as last year, Monday supplied Boston
maybe a little outmoded. There are other
musically with a new operetta by Franz loves, butterfly loves, mere affairs" even.
Lehar, "The Man with Three Wives." As They have amused us of both sexes when
we were young and in the vein and lived
an excellent company sang and acted it at
in the world and believed we knew it
the Majestic, it disclosed a complicated
Most of us have reason to believe now that
libretto of much farce, but little humor,
they amused the bystanders, even more
and music of an unusually tripping light¬
than they did us who were supplying
the material for the observations. Accord¬
ingly Schnitzler bis his audience become
Toy Theatre: Anatol
as mute but observant Maxes, contemplat¬
N three respects the company of the Lit¬
ing with the smile of detached wisdom the
tle theatre of Chicago took its own way
butterfly loves of Anatol and receiving
in its performance of Schnitzler's "Ana¬ much entertainment and some enlighten¬
to last evening at the Toy Theatre. As
ment from the process.
the custom is on the German stage and as
But Schnitzler, being wise, makes his
Mr. Ames elected to do when he produced
conditions conditions that it is very hard
the piece at his little Theatre in New
for an American audience to fulfil. Once
York, five of the dialogues were spoken and
and for all we must dismiss from our minds
acted. The usual choice from the even
various sorts of love and especially the ex¬
comprises the testing of His fidelity by
tremes thereof the love that is the pursuit
her answers in hypnotic slee Anatoles re¬
and the attainment of sensuous gratifica¬
traversing of his old loves and of one epi¬
tion for example; the love that flowers in
sode in particular: the parting with the
happy and affectionate domesticity and
sprightly and the tipsy Mimi at the fare¬
comradeship; and the love that is the
well supper; the wistful encounter of Ana¬
poets say a great, deep high and holy pas¬
tol and Gabrielle under the marquise of the sion. No doubt Anatol sought the wards
shop on Christmas eve; and the serio¬
of the senses in his affairs, but we, pre¬
come perturbations of Anatole wedding
tending to be of finer melle and seeking
morning and the intrusive Lona. Mr.
finer sensations, puff this grossness away.
Brown and the players from Chicago dis¬
Clearly Anatol was not in his youth in¬
carded the farcical embarrassments of the
tended for domesticity, amable as he was,
though doubtless he succumbed to it in the
nuptial morning and put in its stead
Keepskes the dialogue between Anate
old, old human and German way, when

middle are sole into him. An Anatol