III, Einakter 8, (Lebendige Stunden. Vier Einakter), Die letzten Masken (Der sterbende Journalist), Seite 36

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Turce of IIIs Short. Piazs Make mmeat
Irving Place.
Arthur Schnitzler of Vienna, who was
disclosed to this country by bis play called
· The Reckoning' at the Berkeley Lyceum
last winter, had a further hearing last night.
though in German thistime, on Irving place.
Three of his one act plays made up the en¬
tire programme, an interesting experiment,
that might have resulted in failure had the
plays been less interesting. As it was, the
sccond of the group, Der Grüne Kakadu“
(At the Sign of the Green Parrot“), alone
made so deep an impression on the andience
that stecess was assured. The Green
Parrot“ is an underground cabaret in Paris
frequented by aristocrats who come to be
amused by the scum of the earth who are
also there. The proprietor, an old actor,
hires Leedy men and women to impersonate
thieves and murderers, which pleases the
aristocrats just as well. Thus the scene
snggests Gorky’sNight Refuge,’ yet quite
withont its sordid reality. The action takes
place on the evening of July 14, 1789, and
swings with a rush into tragedy attheend
when one of the actors in the grim comedy,
a pretended murderer turns play into
reality by stabbing a Duke to the heart
schilethe crowd burst into annonnce the fall
of the Bastile. The piece is theatrically
remarkably effective and gives both players
und stage manager plenty 10 do. It was re¬
ceived with much enthusiasm. The two
other plays. The Last Masks and“ Litera¬
ture,“ were slighter in theie and much
mnore quiet and colloquial in method. They
afforded the needed contrast.