VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 1, 6, Schinnerer Early Works, Seite 4

box 36/6
1. Panphlets offorints
Early Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Märchen in 1804, both at the author’s own expense, as no publisher
was willing to take the risk. Although Anatol was favorably
received by the majority of critics, it did not attract unusually
wide attention. With the exception of a few isolated scenes“
it was not performed at this time. Its victorious march across
all the important stages of Central Europe, extending also to
London, New Vork, and Chicago, was destined to wait until
1010 and 10r1. The production of Das Märchen on December
1, 1893, was a flat failure and it was withdrawn from the boards
after only two performances. After 1895, however, practically
all of Schnitzler’s published works appeared in book-form and
were later included in the collected edition, so that there are
only a few isolated instances when minor works of the poet
remained buried in periodical literature.
Dur study, then, includes the works listed in the bibliography
below. The list comprises all the writings of Schnitzler, so far
as it has been possible to trace his work, published in periodicals
before 1805. No works published after that date are included
in the investigation except Halb Zwei and Die überspannte
Person. Dr. Schnitzler, who has been kind enough to look
over the list, is certain that these two were written before 1895.
For this reason, and because they contribute materially to an
understanding of his early development, it has seemed advisable
to bring them into the discussion.
We shall omit from our discussion those dramatic and prose
works which although written before 1805 were later published
in book-form and also included in the collected edition. These
works are: Anatol, written 1880—1800, published 1803; Das
Märchen, written 1801, published 1804; Sterben, written 1802,
published 1805; Blumen, written 1804, published in the collec¬
tion of novelettes Die Frau des Weisen, 1808; Liebelei, written
1894, published 1896.
* The first performance of any of the published Anatol scenes was that of
Abschiedssouper“ on Friday, July 14, 1893, in the theatre at Ischl under the
management of Josef Jarno. Die Frage an das Schicksal“ was privately performed
in Berlin with the following cast: Emanuel Reicher, Josef Jarno, and Fräulein
Else Wertheim, who later became the wife of Leo Slezak, the operatic star (cf.
Specht, op. cif., 44).