VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 1, 6, Schinnerer Early Works, Seite 5

box 36/6
1. Panphlets offprints
The Germanic Revien
Wandernde Musikanten“ (Written July 16, 1877), Prager Tageblatt, May 9, 1926.
* Uber den Patriotismus, Münchner freier Landesbote, Nov. 15, 1880.
Aphorismen, Deutsche Wochenschrift, Vol. IV, Nr. 40, Dec. 5, 1886.
"Er wartet auf den vazierenden Gott,'' Ibid., 1887.
Mein Freund Ypsilon, An der schönen blauen Donau, IV, 1880, pp. 25ff.
Amerika, Ibid., 197.
Lieder eines Nervösen: I. Landpartie. II. Apathie. III. Beim Souper.
Moderne Erfahrung und Philosophie, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 297.
Liebesgeständnis, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 374.
Der Blasierte, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 449.
Der Andere. Aus dem Tagebuche eines Hinterbliebenen,' Ibid., gooff.
Am Flügel, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., V, 1890, p. 12.
An die Alten, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 132.
Wildenstein, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 232.
Der Andre, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 302.
Intermezzo, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 373.
Alkandis Lied. Dramatisches Gedicht in einem Aufzuge,“ Ibid., 308ff.
An gar Manche, (Signed: Anatol), Ibid., 520.
Sprüche in Versen, Ibid., VI, 1891, p. 31.
Tagebuchblatt, Moderne Rundschau, III, 1891, p. 58.
Reichtum, Ibid., 385ff.
Morgenandacht, Die Gesellschaft, February, 1891, p. 189f.
Lebewohl, Deutsche Dichtung, XII, 1892, p. 192.
Anfang vom Ende,' Reprinted in Der Merker, III, 1012, Musikbeilage.
Ohnmacht, Die Gesellschaft, September, 1893, p. 1118.
Der Sohn. Aus den Papieren eines Arztes,“ Freie Bühne, III, 1802, pp. 8off.
Die drei Elixiere, Moderner Musenalmanach, 1804, pp. 44ff.
Die kleine Komödie,“ Neue Deutsche Rundschau, VI, 1895, pp. 779ff.
Die überspannte Person,“ Simplizisstmus, I, Nr. 3 (April 18, 1896).
Halb Zwei,“ Die Gesellschaft, XIII (April, 1897), pp. 42ff.
Schnitzler’s earliest attempts at literary composition date
back to his eleventh and twelfth years. In order to elude the
watchful eyes of his father, who frowned upon such efforts,
they were written in ordinary school composition books with
blue covers. These still repose in Schnitzler’s study, in a
cabinet containing the manuscripts of all his published and
unpublished works. Here, among other things, can also be
found a long play in verse, entitled Agidius, written when the
author was fifteen and sixteen years old.5 The earliest work
of his that has appeared in print is a poem entitled Wandernde
Musikanten, written July 16, 1877, when he had just passed
his fifteenth birthday. It was not published, however, until the
* This may be the play Specht, op. cit., 1o, refers to when he states: “ Ich glaube,
daß auch ihm ein Cuflina nicht erspart worden ist.“


this lad
nique of his m
Schnitzler first saw his own
graduated from the Gymnasiun
and was now a student of medi
On November 15, 1880, a dial
den Patriotismus,“ appeared,
* Der Tag not being accessible, I am
1926, which copied the poem from the Vi