VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 1, 6, Schinnerer Early Works, Seite 20

box 36/6
Panphlets offorints
Early Works of Arthur Schnitzler
Oriental fairy-tale atmosphere, but Assad’s dream likewise
occupies the same prominent position as Rustan's dream in
Der Traum, ein Leben and it similarly exerts a definite influence
e. Irsil is to
on his actions afterward.?“
room. King
The subject of dreams has interested this Viennese physician
zar the music
throughout his career and in many of his works they occupy a
and dreams.
prominent position.28 He later acquired such skill in the
second scene.
invention and elaboration of dreams which are not merely
grafted upon the action from without, but which arise so
naturally from a given situation and in which conscious and
subconscious elements are so subtly interwoven that those of
most other writers seem artificial and meaningless by compari¬
son. Reik? has devoted a long chapter to a detailed analysis,
in the approved Freudian fashion, of some of the more prominent
dreams and he finds them to be as complex and significant as
actual dreams of living persons. In view of this fact it is
interesting to note how clearly Schnitzler has already grasped
the mechanism of dreams in Alkandis Lied.“ King Assad’s
dream begins by taking up a situation he had witnessed in his
round and vows,
waking state, but soon his subconscious emotions rise to the
oughout his land
surface: his latent jealousy becomes manifest in his dream.
him by making
27 It is possible that Schnitzler had the fate of Grillparzer in mind when he wrote
the lines in which Assad apostrophizes the statue of Alkandi:
ncognito he sets
Wie spät erfuhr man deines Genius Kraft—.
rders have been
Wann beugte man sich deiner Meisterschaft?
returns at night
Erst als dem Haar zu bleichen dir begann—
Vom Greise sagten sie: das ist ein Mann!
He wreaks ven¬
Begeist’rung hub nun an in Nord und Süden,
to the multitude
Ist dir in deine Klause nachgeeilt.
Ja, wißt ihr, wer in unsrer Mitte weilt?
s only a dream,
Verspätet fand der Ruhm den allzu Müden!
Der Menge Ruf, der tosend zu dir schallte,
arning contained
Vor einer Krankenstube Tür verhallte,
boon upon him,
Und wenn ein Weib zu deinen Füßen sank—
Ihr wurde nimmer deiner Liebe Dank!
Was nützt dem Sterbenden des Ruhmes Zoll.. ..
Nun, da du tot bist, sind sie alle toll!
s formulated by
Sie baun dir Monumente! Erz und Stein
eideale Untreue
Wetteifern, deine Größe auszuschrein!“
e Eifersucht be¬
28 Characteristic examples are Beatrice’s dream in Der Schleier der Beatrice
(Ges. W., Theaterstücke, II, 161f.); Bertha Garlan’s dream in Frau Bertha Garlan
sen Treulosigkeit
(Ges. W., Erz. Sch., II, 55f.); Georg von Wergenthin'’s dream in Der Weg ins Freie
(Ges. W., Erz. Sch., III, ztyff.); Albertine's dream in Traumnovelle (Berlin, 1926),
llparzer, and we
pp. 83fl.
certain influence
2 Op. cil., 217-265.
we here the same
