VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 1, 6, Schinnerer Early Works, Seite 24


box 36/6
Panphlets offorints
Early Works of Arthur Schnitzler
bist, was ist sie
for another formula which would cause a woman to forget
tter hier auf dem
every past experience, every man who has ever entered her life,
t hat, oder auch
and he is successful. Er wurde stolz. Ihm war beschieden,
nd sie hat gelebt,
was keinem vorher. Er hatte nicht, wie wir andern Unglück¬
orts: Lebendige
lichen es tun müssen, die Träume von anderen wegzuküssen,
er letzte, der sich
die Träume von anderen wegzuscheuchen; nie klangen die
Seufzer der Erinnerung in die tiefen Atemzüge der Liebe—und
so durfte er der Einzige sein auf der Welt, neben den Einfältigen,
für die es keine Eifersucht gab. But still his happiness is
marred by his inability to control the future. Athird trip to
the Orient is rewarded with a third potion, which will give him
the assurance that no woman will ever bestow her love on
another man after him. He administers these various drops
successively to a woman who had made a deeper impression
upon him than any one before. The first drop caused her to
babble of various men who had played a part in her life, but
no sooner had the second crossed her lips when she vowed she
had never loved any one but him. At night however, while
she slept, he slowly poured two drops ofthe liquid on her
half-open lips. The next morning the desired effect has been
achieved: Das süße Kind konnte keinen anderen mehr lieben
nach ihm—denn es war tot!“
In this little narrative, written in the form of a parable and
in that respect a forerunner of Die dreifache Warnung and
Die Hirtenflôte, woman’s infidelity and man’s jealousy are pre¬
sented to us with paradigmatical simplicity. In a number of
Schnitzler’s early poems we find it expressed with equal clarity.
The short poem An gar Manche, for instance, of which we
quote only the first of the two stanzas, clearly exhibits woman’s
Du bist ein Weib wie andere Weiber mehr,
Und warum sollt' ich dir zumeist vertrauen?
Da mich noch jede fast betrog bisher,
Sollt' ich auf deine Treue fester bauen?
We may also cite the last two stanzas of Der Andre, as
heben! Und
illustrating the same theme:
du liebst, wirklich
"Drum, wenn ein Weib an dich ihr Herz verloren,
lir deine Illusion doch
Sei allzustolz nicht, daß sie dich erkoren.
ke, I, 24).