VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, Ausschnitte 1920–1928, Seite 31

Tar and Feathers
(Coneinded from page 407)
AlcCall disappeared into the booth.
station and Levin saw them to the
Te rcappeared a few minutes later.
gates leading to their track.
Let’s sec, what was that address?“
Sending for it right away. Lei’s
go back.?
Afew minutes later a truck ap¬
Miss Mcadows? Herc it is. Bet¬
ter write it down. Got a pencil? All
peared and McCall’s locker trunks
and bedding roll were being loaded
right. Well, so long. Look me up
into it. It sccmed very strange.
again. Come to see me when von're
For almost two years they had been
in Chicago. Good-night, McCall.“
logether. In the same company at
Plattsburg, where they had gotten
Hamilton was lring leisurely on
their commissions together; in the
his bed, smoking a cigarette and read¬
samc company at Camp Eustis, where
ing a letter from Margaret, ihen Ale¬
they had drilled rookies; in the same
Call burst into the room.
company in France, until casualties
Got my order! Got my dis¬
had placed cach in charge of his own
charge!“ he shouted, waving a slip of
company. They had received their
paper. Come on, Hamilton, help me
promotions to hrst lieutenancies and
pack. I'm going to catch the noon
to captaincies on the same day. They
train, if I can.“
had studied together and fonght to¬
Together they hurried out of the
gether. Side by side they had stood in
room and down the row of wooden
muddy trenches. They had tasted
barracks. McCall was talking ex¬
the same dangers and hardships, the
same hopes and anzicties, the same
enthusiasms and pleasures. Non¬
No more of these damned bar¬
they werc to be separated.
racks, all looking alike,’ he said.
McCall was going back 1o Chicago.
In MeCall’s room Hamilton was
In a few days Hamilton was going
removing articles from a wooden
back to Corinth—and then what
shelf that extended over the foot of
would become of their friendship?
the bed—a few photographs, books,
Parting would sever something from
stationery, brush, comb, a soap box,
Hamilton's life. Ves, life was that, a
a tobacco pouch, a shoe brush and
meeting and a parting. Oue made
some face towels. As he picked up
friends, built up à community of in¬
one of the volumes, a snapshot, which
terests, and then the friend moved
had been kept between the leaves,
away or died or grew up into a dif¬
fluttered down upon the floor and
ferent being. The next time they
Hamilton stooped to recover it. 11
met Hamilton might be engrossed in
was Dorothy Meadows. standing at
something else—possibly the details
the entrance to the hospital in Paris
of the Hamilton enterpriscs and, as
—Dorothr in her nurse’s cloak and
conccivably, MeCall would be en¬
bonnet, smiling at him. McCall
grossed in his work.
looked up Trom his packing.
MeCall was swinging rapidle down
Mhat is that?' he asked.Oh,
the road, stopping now and then 10
one of my snapshots.“
shake hands with Triends, orto shout
this?“ asked
Pgood-bye“ excitedly across the road.
Hamilton, his face red from bend¬
Hamilton returned to his room.
Evervthing was in order, in case
'In Paris. Took it with her cam¬
his discharge should come. He could
era. Von know she’s been an ange
pack within fifteen minutes. He idly
of mercy to us, Hamilton.“
went over some reports, ran a brush
Hamilton's mind went back to the
over his shoes and putties, and lay
New York cabaret, where McCall had
down again on his bed. He looscned
sat reciting poctry with shining eyes,
his coat, took out his letter from
and an emotion strangely like that of
Margaret and rercad it. Margaret
jealousy scized him. He thought
was to sing before the Daughters of
of their walk in the Luxembourg gar¬
the Confederacy and had just been
dens. Of course it could not be
appointed on a committee 10 wel¬
jealousy. Still the feeling persisted
come the returning soldiers.
and he hardiv heard what McCall
Hamilton was dozing away com¬
was saying. If he had not been in
fortably when McCall burst into the
love with Margaret, this feeling
door, a suitcase in either hand.
would be understandable. As it was,
Well, so long, Hamilton, I'm go¬
it was fantastic. Perhaps McCall had
not written the pocm to Dorothy.
Got to get transportation,“ said
Just a minute, I’lI go down with
McCall, standing up, after the last
von.“ Hamilton sprang to his feet.
strap had been tightened and the last
Ouly ten minutes left. All right,
lock turned.I’ call up the supply
your coat’s all right.“
department. Come on!?
Hamilton took onc of the suitcases
They rushed out to the #. M. C. A.,
and together they rushed out of the
where the nearest telephone was, and
Lake Dunmore, in the
Green Mts. of Vermont
XK 160-acre park of pines, on the shores of a perfert monntain
Founded 1911.
lake. Bungalows and tents. Every' medern ronvenienee for comfort and
shfety. All land and water sports, under expert supervision. Tutoring.
Physician and trained nurse in attendance. Conscientions personal attention
to health and comfort of euch boy. DIETARV LAWS STRICTLY 0B¬
SERVED. Famons for its excellent table.
547 West 1571n Street, New Vork Citg. Phone Wadsworth 2730
38th Season
Boarding School
Hichmennt, Catsklll Mte., New Verk
5000 Fifteenth Avenue
For Full Information, Address
Brooklyn, N. V.
New Vork City
131 Wert 74th St.
Phone: Windsor 0352—Berkshire 8439
Telephone: Endicott 9374
A refined home and school for Jewish boys
and girls. Three separate bulldings. Large
P'laygrounds, Roller Skating. Tennis, Basket¬
ball and Handball. School and Clubhouse.
barrack. They hailed à 0. M. truck,
leadled the sutteases ontö it, and
She Found
crowded into ### scat next to the.
A Pleasant Way
The train was here. Everg one
To Reduce Her Fat
made a ruch for the deor. Last
farewells were saldl, last addresses
Thousands of oversat
exchanged. MeCall was waring bis
people have greatly re¬
Anced their weight and
arms and shaking hands with ever¬
attained a normal fig¬
one. There was no time for eveh a
ure by following the
last word. Hamilton wished to say
adrice of others who
use and recommend the
something—something abent their
Marmola Prescrip¬
friendship, something abent the sar¬
tion Tablets. These
ing of his life in France. But it was
barmiess little fat re¬
ducers are prepared in
100 late. MeCali was being pushed

tablet form from the
Torward tothe train. 1ie found a
same ingredients that
scat next te the window, openel it
Tormerly composed the
samous Marmola Pre¬
The next
and shouted:So long!“
scription for fat re¬
minnte the train started, the cheering
and laughing mingled with the noise
If you are too fat, you oweit to yourself to give
of the locomotive gaining momentun,
these fat reducers a fair trial. Allthe better drug
stores the world over sell Marmola Prescription
the waring arms and grinning faces
Tablets at one dollar per package. Ask vour
receded in the distance.
druggist forthem or send one dollar to the Mar¬
mola Co., 717 Garfield Bldg., Detroit, Mich., and
Hamilton wondered when he would
sccure a package of these tablets. They are harm¬
go home, locked around and walked
less and reduce your weight without going through
back to his barrack alone.
long sieges of tiresome exercise and starvation diet.
If you are too fat try this today.
(To be continned nert zeeck)
Jewish Art Pilgrim
Oaly Institute ueing Albert C. Geyser, M. D.“
(Coneluded from bage 461)
6 Treatment Method
His models, usually with dilliculty
persuaded to pose because of their
Of Constant Improvement
orthodox abhorrence of the reproduc¬
For Removing Superflucus Halr
tive arts, are fascinating types. His
Conaultation free
studies include, among others,
oney back for every halr we
fall to remove permanentiy
Ghettos in Paris, Krakow, Venice,
Wilno, Warsaw, Tarnopol and Lub¬
242 W. 74th St., N. V. C.
The writer hopes that it will be
Open Evenings—Tuesdays and
made possible for Mr. Reiss to con¬
Thursdays Until 9 P. M.
tinuc his pictorial quest. The artist
desires later to visit Spain, Morocco
and the cradle lands of the faith in
Asia, as well as trails of the wander¬
ing Jew in South Amerien.
Trom the restts tins far, both his¬
emoves Permanentiy by the painless
torically and artistically, Mr. Reiss
method of Dr. Roebling Geyser, a licensed
may be trusted to measure up to the
Different from any other
method. Fourteenth year in zuccessful
great project he has set for himself,
uso. Quaranteed permanent. Booklet cont
the delincation of the Jew at various
In Plaln Envelope. Dr. Roebling Geyser.
107 East 35th St., New Vork.
points of his cosmic background. To
quote George Bellows, the well¬
known artist, apropog of Reiss,
whom he knows and respects:“ When
we find a man with a great desire
to do something for its own sake, it
is a great thing to give him every
possible support.“
Arthur Schnitzler
(Concluded from bage 460)
quicker brain.
Why anti-Semitism has gained so
I think
much in strength recently?
it hasto do with the general state the
world is in at present. Remember
The Matzo with the Distinctive Tuste“
that a wave of hate has swept over
Packed in Special Sanitary Cartons
the pcoples of the carth, and that hate
Do not accept Substitutes.
is a very real deep-rooted instinct
Look for the red Mogan David“ and
which must have its vent once it is
the name of the well-known matzeth
bakers who have been serving you for
aroused. Some object must be found
more than forty years.
for it, and it is therefore not un¬
natural that it concentrates on a sec¬
tion of the community that enjoys a
363-369 East Fourth Street New York
certain traditional privilege of perse¬
Telephone, Orchard 4014
cution, a section of the community,
moreover, which for some reason or
other is weakened by an excessive
objectivity and br a certain inclina¬
tion to self-analysis, and is therefore
perhaps a rcadier victim.
"Do I think that the Jews are a
creative pcople? I most unhesitating¬
Tuition in
Iy answer that I do. Look at the
names that we can show within a
short space of time. More than that,
I believe we are on the verge of a
Dance Calisthenics
great Jewish renaissance. What is
Children and Adult Classes
the nature of the artistic message
Day or Evening—Private Lessons
Judaism has to convey tothe world
am unable to say. But there is a
promise of springtime in the air. BALLROOM, HOTEL DES ARTISTES
Columbus 10194
Time alone will show the nature of II1 West ö7th St.
the blossom.“
mmn, che