VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, Ausschnitte 1925–1929, Seite 31

2. Cuttings
box 38/1
with so much pride in his understanding and
into your wanton, and you have filled this
vision, discovers that he has been enmeshed in a
house with your lies and foulness up to the
treacherous entanglement of illusions. Schnitzler
roof until it makes me sick—and that’s
knows the manifestations of neuroticism with the
why—that’s why, yes, that’s why l’m going
precision of a scientist. He has at his command
to kick you out
an asthetie perception which is the result of a
And it is the courageous scientist in Schnitzler
life of constant observation and the use of a brit¬
that leads him to go on further with the disillu¬
tie intelligence. His name is another brilliant
sionment of his story. It is the last bitter blow
addition to the history of men at once scientists
for Pilgram to discover that his wife had known
and artists whose creative lives have added to the
of Hausmann'’s engagement and had yet betrayed
blessings and the fugitive beauties to be encoun¬
her husband. Clairvoyantly and dispassionately
tered in a human existence.
he reveals to us the tragie figure of Pilgram who
gin the Bulletin of League Activities, and the
Abstract of the Proceedings of the Special###tement made th ealth examinations are given
Committee on Economics
a competent female physician.
Regularly mored, seconded and carried that the
A regular meeting of the Special Committee on
Chair appoint a sub-committee to draw up a set
Economies was held in the Society'’s rooms on
of working principles for this and similar prob¬
Wednesday, February 6, 1929. The meeting was
called to order by the chairman, Dr. Seward Erd¬
The Chair appointed Drs. Platt, Peshkin and
man, at 4:00 P.M. Present: Drs. Erdman, Hell¬
man, Irving, Messing, Peshkin, Platt, Roberts,
A letter was read from the Chairman of the#
Rosenthal and Witt.
Committee on Medical Economics of the Bronx
In view of the fact that a meeting at four
County Societg re. the organization of a“ Credit
o’clock interfered with the office hours of some
Burcau, and suggesting the advisability of joint
of the members and did not allow sufficient time
meetings of the various economie committees.
for business, it was decided, on motion, that the#
On motion, an invitation was extended to Dr.
future meetings should be held at 3:30.
Magid to address the committee at the April
On motion, it was decided that a majority con
stitute a quorum.
A letter from Dr. Josephson re. personal loan
The Chairman stated that the Comitia Minora
service of the National Citv Bank.
had assigned to the Committee for study and
On metion, action was deferred for a month
consideration that portion of the report by More¬
and Dr. Roberts requested to obtain further in¬
land Commissioner Rodgers which treats of the
medical aspect of the compensation law.
Dr. Rosenthal suggested that some action be
As the Committec on Civie Policy is to hold an
taken to the end of standardizing the Publie
open forum on this subject on February 15th, it
Health examination fees in accordance with those
was thought best to take no action until after
of the Association for Improving the Condition
the forum.
of the Poor.
The matter of the questionnaire submitted at
The Chair suggested that the matter be taken
the Annual Meeting was taken up for discussion.
up at the next meeting.
It being considered that the matter required more
There being no further business the meeting
intimate study and minute analysis than could
adjourned at 5:45 o’clock.
be afforded by the full committee, it was referred
Respectfully submitted,
to a sub-committee consisting of Drs. Rosenthal,
Witt and Messing, the sub-committee to report
at the March meeting.
Dr. Peshkin reported on the New York League
of Girl’s Clubs, which had been referred to him
Report on the Medical Center and
by the previous committee. His conclusions were
Medical Practice
as follows:
The League is conducting a health service
To the Comitia Minora,
which consists in the main of periodic health ex¬
We beg herewith to submit our report of the
aminations. These examinations are performed
conference beld at the Medical Center on Janu¬
by a duly licensed physician qualified to perform
ary 11, 1929, between vour President and Direc¬
this work.
tor of Activities, representing the Medical So¬
This service is not considered by the League as
ciety of the County of New York, and Dr. William
a charitable undertaking. The fee of 83.00 for
Darrach, dean: Dr. Frederie T. Van Beuren, as¬
an examination is regarded as an adequate one
sistant dean; Dr. Allen O. Whipple, professor of
for the majority of the persons examined, their
surgery; Dr. Walter W. Palmer, professor of
average wage being about 825.00 per weck.
medieine, and Dr. Benjamin P. Watson, professor
In keeping with the code of ethics, it is sug¬
of gynecology and obstetrics, of the College of
gested that the name of the physician in charge
Physicians and Surgeons, and Mr. John F. Bush,
of the service be omitted from the announcement