VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, Ausschnitte 1933, undatiert, Seite 13

2. Guttings
box 38/4
their courses with the advice and direction of the Executive Oflicer of the section
in which they intend to do their work. The courses listed below are open to
graduate and other properly qualified students. Specific requirements for the
degrees in the several sections are stated under the section headings below.
Admisston te Candidacy. Students wishing to become candidates for a higher
degree are expected (1) to have the ability to rrad, write and speak French and
(2) to possess a general knowledge of Freuch literature and civilization. Their
knowledge of these subjects will be tested by an examination, to be given during
the registration period. Students who fall short in any of the requirements will
be expected to make good their deßiciencies before being formally accepted as
candidates for a degrec.
Requirements sor ihe Degrec of Mester of Arts. (1) A residence requirement of
courses aggregating thirty points. Of these, eighteen must be taken Trom among
the graduate courses offered bythe Freuch section, including one research course
(two semesters), in the ßeld in which the student intends to write his essay. This
course may be changed in the second semester. (2) The presentation of an accept¬
able eetay on an approved subject. (3) Two examinations: the üirst to test the
candidate’s general knowledge ofthe history of Preuch language, literature and
civilization, and the second to test his closer acquaintance with one of the following
hieids to which he has devoted special study: (a) Old French period, (b) Renais¬
sance, (c) seventeenth century, (d) eighteenth century, Ce) nineteenth century,
(1) the contemporary period. The examinations will be beld in January, May,
and August. A candidate failing in his üirst attempt may receive permission to
take a sccond test, but not a third. Acandidate for the degree in Romance
philology must demonstrate his abilicy to controlat least one Romance language
beside Freuch, must have an iidequate knowledge of Latis, and of the literature
of one Romance country.
Requtrements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. To be accepted as a can¬
didate for The degrec of Doctor of Philosophy, a student must be able to read
Latin and German and any other languages that may be demanded bythe nature
of his individual rescarch, mest fulfill the general University requirements as
stated in the Announcement oithe Faculties of Political Science, Philosophy, and
Pure Science, and must pass an examination in the Freich language, Iiterature
and civilization. For candidacy in Romance philology, students must pass a
general examination in the general field of Romance philology based on sufhicient
knowledge of three Romance languages, including Freach, and must have taken
one complete course in the science of language. The candidate must also carry
on advanced work in one or more supplementary fleids, the choice of which is to
be mace with the approval of the Executive Officer.
General Courses
Romance Philology 101-102—Introduction to Romance philology. 3
points each session. Professor H. F. MULLER.
Tu. and Th. at ztto. 508 Philosophy.