VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 1

box 38/4
2. Cuttings
lie strikes one as a nan cho nseds all tue ferce of his persch ality te Heep
+ gl Seai
his overvhelning brains queit. That is the doninant inpression I had aftar
tventy minutns of the nost inspiring talk I have enjored vith anv nan for
h nonths
In a a tnis inpressich conas as a surprise. 7or there are in
Schnitzler’s vriting certain qualities of suavity which lige the outword ge¬
serve of a vell mannered person, are only the outcone of good artistis
breeing, put shich to superficial people belie the real teuperanent both#
of the artist and the nan. Egen a syupathetic and inaginitive study of Sehn##¬.
Rohnig-ler ’s vorks vill not alvars correct the error, and that is vhy#l
as deubt less nany others, have ione bafore me, cans ta hin, axpectingto
find a perschality cold, polished and courteous, a nan of urbane soep¬
ticisn, and gentle dist llusionnents, a tenperauental agnostic, chastened of
both anger and enthousiasn.
Of ccurse all these things are precisely, vhat Schniteler 4
is not. Tue first thing that striges one about hin, is ## nost lov####
varnth and fapetuousness He is voth nentally an: physicaly a young nan,
despite his years. His ere is clear, his chnplexion rosey, and his grey K
hair and beard are shot vith streaks of blond. In his nantal attituda
Schniteler is equally vouthful. Thataver subliegt he touches, he is inedi¬
atel, on fire. Bis vhole haart is in his talk, and he spends hinself in it a
as recklessl, as a boy of eighteen.