VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 2

box 38/4
2. Cuttings
I Tound Sohnitzler in his little house in the outer distriot of
Vienna, in itself no nean achievenent (finlin, nin, 1 nean]) for Schnitzler
is one of tne uost sougnt after people in zurope and nas nore or liss te
barricade ninseif against intruners, Schnitzlek had broken off sone diota¬
tign to oone donn to ue, and had so to speak to rub his eyes a little be¬
fore he could launch out in the nev topic. Also he seened at first dis¬
hrclined to grant the intervien.
I neVer give intervievs,“said 411 I have to say on the Je¬
vish question 1. in ay book Der VEd IN’S FREIE.“ I reccnnend-— —
VHErr Dootor,] I said,’I have not read Der Jeg in's Freie onde but
three tines and it is to disouss that pock I have ooue to you. #
An extraordinarily sueet suile broke out over Sonnitzler's face.
You are very flattering,'e said. and motioned #e to a seet.
Ani gette eus enly ve vers talking tegether at-e1##.
Talziag to Seaniteler is a islightful business. Tue sand sense of
Frade andiere t#rt is so per eotiple in nis Jooka, is evident in bis talk
ans searing, despite uis venesence and ready enthfustssn, die bas anong other
tnings a perfect gentus for lettlng hiaself be interrupted, If he sees von
have Sosetning 1o sa. var s yon olf se t. Speus for couple of senten
#es, un ##en 1te. Jou a Trsotion of a secchl to leap into tne talz, It
is lise an ooliging ous ariver alosing dosn netiuen the offioial stg
stopping places.