VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 6

box 38/4
2. Cuttings
absolutalgs ##nnse deuszot
aware of a keener and quicker brain.
I an howerer conpalled to aduit tnat thers is a sort of Freena)
sonary between Jews. Ve unconsciously feel cur war to one another more
quickl, than ve do to gentiles. Thers is a readder unspoken understanding,
But hos far this iupdies an actual being different on our part I hesitate
to say
Vh anti-Seuitisn has gained so nuch in strength recently?I think
it has to de with the general state the world is in at present - Renenber
04, 68#
that a ware of hate has swept over the peocles of the gauld, anf that
nate is a verv real deeß rooted instinct, ghich nust have its vent onde
it is aroused. Sons ooject nust be found fer it, and it is therefore
not unnaturally, that it ooncentrates on a secticn of the connunity that
engoys a certain traditional privelege of persecution, a section of the
ccnnunity, noreoher, Nhich for sone reason er other is veakened by un ex¬
cessive ebfectivity and by a certain inclina tion to self anlyses, and is
therefore perhaps à readéer rictin.
De I thing tnat tue Jeus are a creative pedpler I nost unbs¬
sttattagl: ansser that 1 do. Lock at tue naues tnat tne ve can snon rithin
a shost space of tise. in nuste Richari Strauss and Gustar Nahler In
painting Van Lisbernann, in literaturs s chole nost of nanes . Vore than
tnat 1 beltere #e arc on verge of great leutsn renaissance. Who+ Ux.
absue Mug 1e Kal Judann, nas & dugen Ide 2e#¬