VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 5

box 38/4
2. Cuttings
sa Selug (
Tne solution ## the Jerish prooles is one shich esch undividual aust find
for hisself. Tnere 15 no geseral sdlution. Zionisn does not seen to ne
to oe a solution at all. it sors to as too suoh aotated oy sudien Ispul)
ses, 09 resentaent, 5y anern desire to escape fron one Is envirowlent
nd scaroely over to spring fros # vell reasoned deoision. This does not .
prevent an Irca enairing Ziorisn, 1 aleire peoele vho can reach out so hig
and greau so spleniialy, eut tney will never oonsinoe #0
1 neet erdly peint out that the Zionist plays aotizely into th

hanis ol tue anti-Seaite, He oonfesses to a veaknens in our position shioh
## inn does pot existe.M. parents ocne pros Hungary, but ny desire takes
da Pace cse
berssetneettu#rgtenlleggery nor ##lestine, I root here in Vienna, ay hose
and thc hose 91 a. Jeuth.l nave groen up ttentfkying nyself vitn the nigh)
Is inaiviaual oulter, i us zurt ## It, an: in 1s part of s0. Thr snould
Thy should 1 leave this oountry# ##ceuse a fev ignorant aus i11brod fools
of anti-Seuites tel #e 1 do net belong here.
o i believe that tnere 1s un basio indiviiual Jevish oberaoter
apart fros vertal traizs shien environnent has forced unon it: That 1s a
aifficult questionan yet I anould 1: anything ve tnolinen to e negative,
ansveri 1o not Solieve tnat ene Jev it essentially atft##ant spiritually
dilferent er tnat thore is a #tfferende of spiritual rytha betveen hin a
ine gentile. Tu# attitude of the vorli tovards his has produced oertain
payonolegieal nontfiostions. Ters asar thi attitute, und those nodiffoa¬
bnurn Aal da dspmi ahe eutn e
t###undlest Sert vere tone tagen tor anotner eountry Kept in 1 noranor
of its origin an: 11 taat origin vere also sept fron its assoolates, thaf
tnis enild vould gros up absolutely Mnoonsoiousof a uifferenos setveen
itself aus i#s pla, nates, ezoept perhaps tnat it signt ievelonx and beoome¬
