VII, Verschiedenes 11, 1920–1926, Seite 15

box 42/1
ople who think SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1922 Business Telephone, Columbus 7000

matist, Describes
and would stop wronging others.
hour for an ambulance which was
As I have said before, human
to fumigate her clothes in order
beings may become wiser, but
that she may not infect other
rope?” Asks Master Mind
they will never grow better.
"It is therefore the important
"When I went out of the house
task of intellectual leaders every¬
an Before the War, The
a few minutes later, I noticed to
where to organize themselves and
my great amazement that the
start a campaign to enlighten
nurse entered a crowded street
and Slaughter is Lost
the people that peace is in the
car, without having waited for
own interests that war will ruin
the ambulance. She had no
ne World as Grown
them, while peace will bene¬
patience to wait fifteen minutes,
and she went home by car with¬
Our conversation turned to his
out having taken the necessary
Human Life.
dramatic works. Suddenly he
précaution. She probably in¬
that fifty thousand men had been
fected a number of people in that
thing is that people should have
How would you account for
slain, and on the following morn¬
car with scariet feyer
the opportunity to work, undis
the fact that some of my plays
ing the revised figures showed
"Here was a nurse who knew
turbed in peace; that they should
which were written twenty or
that instead of it thousand
well the dangers of such conta¬
not interfere with others; that
twenty-five years ago are being
there really were sity thousand
gion. She was intelligent and it
they should not destroy others;
produced only now? They seem
casualties, did that difference dis¬
was her profession to look after
that they should not roh others.
to attract more attention now
turb the people's sleep, or did it
patients, and be careful. But that
They must learn to realize that
than when I wrote them.
affect their appetites? Not in the
did not matter to her. She went
war will affect that directly in
"Your works were at least a
least. They went on eating, drink¬
into the crowded street car be¬
some way or other just as they
quarter of a century ahead of
cause the passengers were just
ing and smoking their cigars.
believe war would affect the
their time," I answered. Only
In fact, the men at the front
ordinary people whom he did
enemy, their neighbor.
now people are beginning to un¬
hated the enemy less than the
not know. They were strangers
derstand and appreciate them
people in the reare know that
to her, and she did not care.
Rejoining in Death
But if, for instance, she were
at the front the men often fra¬
When I mentioned "Reigen,
to learn that someone was in
Yesterday, while my daughter
erized with the enemy, while
his sex play which created a sen¬
fected in that car by her, and that
the people in the rear hated the
was packing to go to the con¬
sation last year in Berlin and
such person carried the disease to
entend that
try, we found a batch of old news-
Vienna and which was at first
a child who happened to be a
is continuing. And in certain
papers published during the war.
suppressed by the German cen¬
schoolmate of her own child, and
places it is even encouraged de
sor, Schnitzler remarked
In that way infected her own
I looked at the headlines. The
liberately fanned and spread ar¬
We Captured
child and her own child died as
Battle of
Reigen is an ordinary play.
50,000 men. Tens of Thousands
a result of her recklessness and
The dialogues were written more
neglect, then she would think and
lin. And the jubilation over
Careless of Life
than twenty-five years ago. When
each victory I remember how
act differently in the future.
this play of mine will long have
our people rejoiced when they
recall a simple, quite uni¬
heard that thousands of Russians
been forgotten, the record of the
Benefits of Peace
portant incident, but it is so char¬
were drowned in swamps.
Berlin trial connected with Rei¬
acteristic that I will tell it to you.
"I was filled with terror as I
gen will live. The stenographie
"Of course, if such a thing hap¬
recalled all this. Of course, the
report of the testimony at that
Some years ago my wife had scar¬
pened, people would say that it
other side did exactly the same.
trial is the most amazing satire
was an unusual case, a rare coin
let feyer. We had a nurse who
They too, rejoiced when hun-
of our time. The four or five
cidence. But if people were to
attended her. The nurse was very
dreds of thousands of our people
figures that revealed themselves
figure things ont logically they
correct, devoted, efficient and in
were slaughtered. And I recalled
in that extraordinary document,
would find that the wrong they
with horror the indifference with
are types of hypocris that the
do to others in some way or othe
When my wife recovered and
greatest of satirists could hardly
which people afterwards read
necessarily reacts on themselves
the nurse was to leave, she had
have invented or improved upon
about those battles
they would understand that,
to wait about a quarter of an
When, for instance, they read
its rulers and suffers their will
patiently. Thus is the teaching
of Westminster and the law

tich Publicie.