VII, Verschiedenes 13, 1932–1933, Seite 11

box 44/5
U. S., where he took out his citizen¬
ship papers. At the present time he
is Master of Ceremonies at the
Corse cabaret in New York. His
most recent engagement was as
Maitre de Plaisir on board the S. S.
Europa. In America he is espec¬
ially well-known for his singing
and delightful interpretation of old
and modern Viennese song-hits and
American songs of the same calibre.
le is a very great favourite with
American broadcasting studios.
You have no idea, he said.
how popular is Viennes music of
all kinds in the States. Viennes
operettas are preferred in every
possible version and variety. Such
played Reunion in
Vienna are running uninterruptedly
to packed houses and the American
appetite always clamours for
It does not matter at what time
of the day you tune in on almost
any radio station, you are perfectly
certain to hear Viennes music on
the best musical programmes. Ger¬
man and Viennese talkies are the
rage, and there are five German
talking film theatres in New York
alone. Zwei Herzen im Dreiviertel¬
Takt, for instance, ran in New
York for more than two years and
films with a Viennese background.
however illusory, are preferred.
It goes without saying that the
novels and plays of the most famous
Viennes authors are widely
known. Artur Schnitzler is a tradi¬
tional classi. Most of the plays of
Franz Werfel have been introduced
to the New York theatre-going
public by the Theatre Guild, which
has a reputation for producing
only the best. Felix Salten's novels
are very popular, particularly,
In Mr. Rupp's song repertoire on
his recent trip on board the S. S.
Europa we note the old Viennes
favourites: “Es muss was Wunder¬
bares sein, by Ralph Benatzky;
Wenn der Wiener sagt: das ist
tulli, by ed. Werner: Ueberland¬
partie by Leopoldi, Drunt in der
Lobau, by Heinrich Strecker; Wien,
du Stadt meiner Träume by Dr.
Sieczynski. Zwei Herzen im Drei¬
vierteltakt, by Robert Stolz: "Oh
Fräulein Grete by Beda:
mein kleiner Gardeoffizier, by Robert
Stolz, etc. etc.
So it will be seen that Vienna
musical wares are preferred in the
United States.
Mr. Rupp recently acted as Master
of Ceremonies at the Rose Festival
upon the occasion of the opening of
the new Grand Hotel Panhans Swim-
ming Pool. His interpretation of
Viennes and American songs was
greatly appreciated. This gifted
Austro-American singer is now on his
holidays in Mariazell.