I, Erzählende Schriften 10, Lieutet Gustl. Novelle, Seite 124

10. Leutnant Gustl
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Reprinted from Tus GERMANic Rxvizw, Vol. V., No. 3, July, 1930
NYONE who traces the reception and outward fate of
∆ Schnitzler'’s works will soon discover that his path was not
strewn with roses. Not only did he have to contend with many
hostile and often denunciatory critics, but in a number of cases
he came into actual conflict with the civil and military powers.
Without doubt the most notorious of these cases was that of
Reigen which has a long and lurid history.! Another chapter
in this account is furnished by Zeufnanf Gustl, the publication of
which was followed by dire consequences and resulted in one
of the literary scandals of the year.
Zeutnant Gustl was partly based on an occurrence that
peried to an acquaintance of Felix Salten in the foyer ofthe
Musikvereinssaal in Vienna. Towards the end of May, 10co
Schnitzler made a rough sketch of the story while he was staying
at the Baumgartner House on the Schneeberg. The story was
actually written at the Kurhaus in Reichenau within one week
in the middle of July. Late in the fall the author gave a
personal reading of it in Breslau, It appeared in the Christmas
supplement of the Neue Preie Presse, December 25, 1000. This
was nothing unusual as the majority of Schnitzler’s prose works
and aven some Voneacters'’ were published in newspapers and
periodicals before they were issued in book form.
The story at once provoked consternation and indignation in
military circles. The first concrete result was that the Neues
Wiener Tagblatt, which had agreed to publish Schnitzler’s
Sylvesternacht, a one act play, on Sylvester or New Vear
now returned the manuscript as they did not wish to be aligned
with him.? About a weck later a denunciatory article by a
An artiele bythe present writer entitled“ The History of Schnitzler’s Reigen
has been accepted for early publication in the PMLA.
* Sylvesternacht“’ has never appeared in book form, but was published in the
Jugend, 1001, Nr. 8, and reprinted in the Ahnanach torg of the Deutsch-Öster¬
reichischer Verlag, and in the“ Zwanglose Hefte für die Besucher des Schiller
Theaters (Berlin), Neue Reihe 27.