box 33/6
29. Kondedie der Verfüchrung
J Ca
on Service for its Subseribers.
No. I.
tion Service.
nted to subseribers.
„Schnitzler’s Latest Comedy
Has Premiere at Burgtheater
(Ltreless 10 Continental Theutricul
(C. 7. 7. S. Stuff Corresponden!)
" Information Sertice.)
VIENNA, Oet. 11.—#irthur Schmts¬
#ferg latest oplis, the first in severn
vears, KoMlöDik. DER VEkTOI¬
RUNG* (Comedgy of Seduction) was
Ben Blumenthal Secures Control
presented to a gala gathering at ihe
of Theatre Trust in Budapest
Burotheater last eveiing.
Completing a theatrical trust which in
The play, like Schnitsler'g olher works,
scope and inclusiveness has no rival
deals wich characiers whose chief in¬
anzwhere in ihe world den Biumenthal,
terest lies in dhie ever-exciling problem
the well-known American theatrical and
of the relationship of sckes. In ihis
movie man has purchased a controling
comedg ihe celebrated Austrian lakes
interest in ihe*'Cnio Theatre-Building
ihe two most colortul Tigures of all
and Prodncing Corp.?
CI Budapest.
love-stories and contrasts ihe Temale und
Thus Nr. Blumenthal has sccured in
che male Von Juan. ihe action takes
addition #o the two theatres which he
place just prior tothe World War, imthe
alrendy owns in Budapest control over
never-again-retüriing goiden dars 01
four other ones. Since Oetober # ihe
therold Kaiserstadt.
theatrical lite of Budapest is under ihe
The comedy which is ihe ercation
unlimited control of ihe State (Four
or a waning talent, is not as good as
theatres) and Mr. Mumenthal (six
Schmisler'e former ouevres, neverthe¬
less, it has several good moments. The
Writing of the combination ihe Ma¬
first“act is an extravaganza, however,
gyarorszag, leading evening puper of
it offers excellent theatre. The begin¬
Andor Miklos’ all-powertul Newspaper
tung of ihe sccond act is splendid but it
Trust, say's:
leads to an improbable and theatrical
The fact that all of the privatelj
#bird act.
owned theatres in Budapest with ihe ex¬
It was produced in an elaborate and
ception of iheKenatsganer“ are now
expensive Taslion and adequately acten
owhed by one theatrical trust is im¬
Drthe Burgtheater’s ensemble. Feihna
measurablg dangerous for ihe develop¬
Tcnag stood out of ihe east with her
ment or ihe Mungarian theatre. We
portrayal of Judith.“
believe that it would menn the cripjling
of the development of Hungarian cul¬
reccived a Friendly applause Trom the
ture; ihe stopping of ihe necessarg Tree
premiere andienee which was, however,
competition of theatres and artists. Such
very cool at the end of the dull third
a combination serlouslv menaces ihe besi
interests of playwrights and authors be¬
(Fima buar. a born Hungarian was
cause its underlying ambition is notlling
ihe actress, who was borrowed by Zy¬
hut cold business.“
nes! Fayda to play ihe leading role in
When asked his opinion of ihe new
his last comedy,“#em.“ at ihe Re¬
venture, Dr. Jend Faludi, General Man¬
naissange in Budapest.Marem“ is
ager of theUnio' said to a reporter
scheduled for a New Vork production
ofthe Magyarorszag'':
ly Dutad Belasco with Lenore Uiric in
I shall by no means surrender my
ihe role that was ercated hy Fizen Ab¬
interests in the company. 1 can assure
#nar at ihe world-premiere of ihe play.
von of one thing and that is: The inde¬
pendence of ihe Unio theatres will he
most carefulle preserved while 1 have
Reinhardt Bankruptcy Rumors
anpthing 1o do with them.?'
Ar. Blmeenchal has acqutred his shure
through the withdrawal of Vertalan
Dy Donald Freeman
Barna, formerig à promnent New Vork
contectioner und recchtle one or ine
T·TEN.N 1,
Sepll. 28.— Statemenl, is¬
founders of the American-Hungarian
sued at Reinhardt headquarters in Ber¬
Bank in Budapest, and Jeno Revcsz, 3
Iin, puts defimtels out or Grenlation ihe
Budapest banker Dr. Jend Falndi, who
rumor that Reinhardt has lost bis 1w#
18 also a part owner, will continne as
theatres in Berlin 1o a creditor and is
General Manager of the new combine
dragging his anchor most anzionsiy 1o
Tor five vears according to bis originn
get buck to America und rehmbulitate his
agreement with the corporation.
shattered Tortune.
(The.“ Unio“ controlled thentres men¬
As against ihis ihere is ihe reporl,
Holed in dhe abewve dispatch are:
er räther: gossip, that Reinhardt has
Kiralv Szinhag (King Theutren
mnade §100,000 on'The Airacle“ and is
Unsieal Comedlr.
now connfortäblte resting.
There are
Musgar Sziuhaz Clungarian Thea¬
171 11—„
29. Kondedie der Verfüchrung
J Ca
on Service for its Subseribers.
No. I.
tion Service.
nted to subseribers.
„Schnitzler’s Latest Comedy
Has Premiere at Burgtheater
(Ltreless 10 Continental Theutricul
(C. 7. 7. S. Stuff Corresponden!)
" Information Sertice.)
VIENNA, Oet. 11.—#irthur Schmts¬
#ferg latest oplis, the first in severn
vears, KoMlöDik. DER VEkTOI¬
RUNG* (Comedgy of Seduction) was
Ben Blumenthal Secures Control
presented to a gala gathering at ihe
of Theatre Trust in Budapest
Burotheater last eveiing.
Completing a theatrical trust which in
The play, like Schnitsler'g olher works,
scope and inclusiveness has no rival
deals wich characiers whose chief in¬
anzwhere in ihe world den Biumenthal,
terest lies in dhie ever-exciling problem
the well-known American theatrical and
of the relationship of sckes. In ihis
movie man has purchased a controling
comedg ihe celebrated Austrian lakes
interest in ihe*'Cnio Theatre-Building
ihe two most colortul Tigures of all
and Prodncing Corp.?
CI Budapest.
love-stories and contrasts ihe Temale und
Thus Nr. Blumenthal has sccured in
che male Von Juan. ihe action takes
addition #o the two theatres which he
place just prior tothe World War, imthe
alrendy owns in Budapest control over
never-again-retüriing goiden dars 01
four other ones. Since Oetober # ihe
therold Kaiserstadt.
theatrical lite of Budapest is under ihe
The comedy which is ihe ercation
unlimited control of ihe State (Four
or a waning talent, is not as good as
theatres) and Mr. Mumenthal (six
Schmisler'e former ouevres, neverthe¬
less, it has several good moments. The
Writing of the combination ihe Ma¬
first“act is an extravaganza, however,
gyarorszag, leading evening puper of
it offers excellent theatre. The begin¬
Andor Miklos’ all-powertul Newspaper
tung of ihe sccond act is splendid but it
Trust, say's:
leads to an improbable and theatrical
The fact that all of the privatelj
#bird act.
owned theatres in Budapest with ihe ex¬
It was produced in an elaborate and
ception of iheKenatsganer“ are now
expensive Taslion and adequately acten
owhed by one theatrical trust is im¬
Drthe Burgtheater’s ensemble. Feihna
measurablg dangerous for ihe develop¬
Tcnag stood out of ihe east with her
ment or ihe Mungarian theatre. We
portrayal of Judith.“
believe that it would menn the cripjling
of the development of Hungarian cul¬
reccived a Friendly applause Trom the
ture; ihe stopping of ihe necessarg Tree
premiere andienee which was, however,
competition of theatres and artists. Such
very cool at the end of the dull third
a combination serlouslv menaces ihe besi
interests of playwrights and authors be¬
(Fima buar. a born Hungarian was
cause its underlying ambition is notlling
ihe actress, who was borrowed by Zy¬
hut cold business.“
nes! Fayda to play ihe leading role in
When asked his opinion of ihe new
his last comedy,“#em.“ at ihe Re¬
venture, Dr. Jend Faludi, General Man¬
naissange in Budapest.Marem“ is
ager of theUnio' said to a reporter
scheduled for a New Vork production
ofthe Magyarorszag'':
ly Dutad Belasco with Lenore Uiric in
I shall by no means surrender my
ihe role that was ercated hy Fizen Ab¬
interests in the company. 1 can assure
#nar at ihe world-premiere of ihe play.
von of one thing and that is: The inde¬
pendence of ihe Unio theatres will he
most carefulle preserved while 1 have
Reinhardt Bankruptcy Rumors
anpthing 1o do with them.?'
Ar. Blmeenchal has acqutred his shure
through the withdrawal of Vertalan
Dy Donald Freeman
Barna, formerig à promnent New Vork
contectioner und recchtle one or ine
T·TEN.N 1,
Sepll. 28.— Statemenl, is¬
founders of the American-Hungarian
sued at Reinhardt headquarters in Ber¬
Bank in Budapest, and Jeno Revcsz, 3
Iin, puts defimtels out or Grenlation ihe
Budapest banker Dr. Jend Falndi, who
rumor that Reinhardt has lost bis 1w#
18 also a part owner, will continne as
theatres in Berlin 1o a creditor and is
General Manager of the new combine
dragging his anchor most anzionsiy 1o
Tor five vears according to bis originn
get buck to America und rehmbulitate his
agreement with the corporation.
shattered Tortune.
(The.“ Unio“ controlled thentres men¬
As against ihis ihere is ihe reporl,
Holed in dhe abewve dispatch are:
er räther: gossip, that Reinhardt has
Kiralv Szinhag (King Theutren
mnade §100,000 on'The Airacle“ and is
Unsieal Comedlr.
now connfortäblte resting.
There are
Musgar Sziuhaz Clungarian Thea¬
171 11—„