II, Theaterstücke 9, (Der grüne Kakadu. Drei Einakter, 3), Der grüne Kakadu. Groteske in einem Akt, Seite 54

box 15/1
9.3. Der K### uenee
A haurten, Gace d
e Wrea
Agik. Agt
GU 160 2
Thenew plays of tho wock have been few and not brilllant,
toné—and a small one at that—has been a brill’ant oxcep¬
tion. It is played at the Théätre Antoi e, and knownas“ Le
Perroquc) Vert.“' I thought from thet lethat we were to be
treated to absintheragain (I speak in m aphor), and I dreaded
the freatment a little after“ Le Dieu V##t,'’ which I mentioned
last week. It ia not sc. Le Perroquet Vert is atavern, and
tothe Green Parrot come thronging the worst of those
very bad scoundrels who infested Paris in the days
just before the blaze un of the Bastille. The aristocrats of the
day go thore, too, to rub elbows with the canaille, and enjoy
the slight shudder of fear at the contact. To kcepthings allve
the landlord employe
Make-Believe Blackguards,
who tell tales of erime, and do it so well that-ftis difficult
sometimes to know whether they are in jest or in earnest.
One of the actors tells how ho killed the Duc de Cadignan,
who had bocome the lover of Léocadie, a dancer in voguo
and the wife of the actor.“ Von knew that,)
Prosper,# the landlord,“and have killed the duke?
know ib myself, but I did not dare tell vou.“ Didier
the narrator—had been acting before, and thought his
fe flippant and giddy, but true, When he learns the truth
and when the duke comes in,
Idier'ineans mürder in
ut yells from onteide and
küle Him. Arros
vetaken the
the curt
" The Green
see it on the Britieh side
is alittle
year is eut.
of therthino