II, Theaterstücke 5, Liebelei. Schauspiel in drei Akten, Seite 426

box 10/5
6. B
Agnes Sorma scored another success at
the Irring Place Theatre last night. She
#ml the part of Christine in A. Schnitz¬
ier's realistie play“Liebelei.“ The play
a magnlßteent ilinstration of a woman's
deep. seif-saetläcig love for à man whose
infatnation for ber is only a passing fancy.
Frl. Sorma's presentation of t#e role of
the heroine is simple and heart-touching.
II was perkeet in ererr detanl.
The return of Marle Gelstinger tothe
Meaerele cnal
Agnes Sorma, the German actress, who appeared
in this country for the first time on Monday in
Ibsen’s "A Doll’s House, gave another Proof of
her versatility last night when she took the part
of Christine, in Schnitzer’s drama,“ Liebelei,“ be¬
fore an audience which filled every part of the
Irving Place Theatre. The play consists of a
series of pietures from Vienna life, in which a
couple of young men with a fondness for flirtation
and two young women, whom they number among
their victims, are the central flgures. One of these
young women is Christine, the daughter of a
venerable musie-teacher. An impromptu dinner in
the home of her friend, Fritz Lobheimer; a meet¬
ing between Christine and Fritz in the humble
house of the musie teacher on the evening before
Fritz fights a duel, the scene when Christine
hears that the man whom she loves has been
killed on account of another woman, and her des¬
peration and flight from home despite the en¬
treaties of her father, gave Frau Sorma oppor¬
tunity to show that she deserved the praise which
preceded her. There is a vein of“ Wiener'’ humor
through the play which was made the most of bi
Miss Braga and Mr. Strobel, and Mr. Link earned
fresh laurels as the philosophical musiclan who
became disconsolate when his theories Decame
practice. Every scene was heartily applauded by
the large audience and Frau Sorma was called
before the curtain several times aftersthe first act,
and again after the final scene.
an racon. H. SCHIFF.
Paar „T
AW Sne
Frau Sormas
Als Christine in Schnitz¬
ler's „Liebelei
Eine Glanzleistung des
Stürmischer Beifall folgt jedem
Fallen des Dorhangs.
Das Stück selbst eine der interes¬
santesten Novitäten der
„Liebelei=, Volksstück in drei Akten
on Arthur Schnitzler.
Das Erste, wozu das, gestern im Irving
Theater mit Frau Agne
ität gegebene
r zu v
die Figlir
welche um
h und d
isch, zur
ärtigsten Gegen
ück nicht viel,
hr viel
les da¬