II, Theaterstücke 5, Liebelei. Schauspiel in drei Akten, Seite 2036

5 Ae 4.
box 13/8
Extrait de:
Av. delOpéra, 49. II.
3 AURIL 1934
Sobas- Arposition. : —
Panthéon Film Puts Amusing
Viennese Comedy on Screen
An amusing Viennese comedy, Sehn- tive girls chanting their desires for em¬
sucht 202, which has the merits of Ployment.
As is typical in fihns of post-war
an unpretentious gaiety and a star wilcvienna, the business of being hard up
is none other than Magda Schneider, is tossed off in merry-hearted fashion.
has just The ihree young men and the pretty
the heroine of
opened at the Ciffema du Fäntnéon. typist are all in the same boat, and
This film is saturated with that fa- when Kitty marrles one of the boys it
is inferred that all their troubles are
1 mous Viennese charm which has be¬
at an end. Max Neufeld, who has made
come a legend throughout the world.
t Although in no ways comparable to a number of good pictures, few of
eibelei“ or Symphonie Ina-which are known outside of Austria
and Germany, directed the film.
etion of these three

films is very similar, in that in all of
them the highlights are limited with
a graseful economy which accentuates
their importance; also emotion and
humor are balanced with an impec¬
cable taste.
Sehnsucht 202, which was the
want-ad. formula under which a little
Viennese typist (Miss Schneider)
sought a job, gives rise to the amusing
nd which the scenario of
Situatiol ar
built. Both the typist
this pi
girl, Kitty (Louise Ral¬
and a
in the paper, but the lat¬
ner), pul
sought to place some capital.
Through an error the text of the ads.
was juggled, so that the cypist was J.
made to have the shekels.
The frivollty of the plot is height¬
ened in that part of the dialogue is i¬
light operatic form. The trio of young
men who are trying to make a go of
their perfume shop sing couplets which
are composed of the text of newspaper
want ads. Additional nonsense is pro¬
vided in that the want-ad. agency is
conducted on an operatic scale, with
tenors warbling about jobs and attrac¬