VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 3


box 38/4
2. Cuttings
As olle Speaks to nig, g#r bscones consoicus oß this terrifio deph
am intenstty of feeling of the cöntinous mental rush going on vithllthe san,
One foras sone oonception of the dsgree of unrelenting dtsoipline it nust
oost Schnitzler to have shat he is namely ous of tns aost polished and
writers in contenporary Surope, dos eastly that quiok sensitizi¬
##, tnat over read) response of tne heart night have swanped his Judge¬
nent and dissed his taste. I! Schnitzler hadt not been Schnitzler, he vould
one feels (not vithont a silent tnanksgiving to Heaven for a calanity so
nearly avertes] havs aase ene of those prolifio enotionel vriters, vho des¬
pite tue presenos ol rea, talent never rise higher than the second rank in
the artistie hierarchy.

The truth it that tnere arn tuo Schritelers. Toere 18 tre enotional
Schattzler vith tun irrisistable oreative urge In hin, aus ühere in bis von¬
tor varder am. faziliar spirit, tue oritical Schnitzler, and it 1s oy a
volraboration el ind #ao separats individuals tnat Senritzler's voras
oone into being. Tnis oritioal Sohnitzler, 1 don't sind telling you, is the
devil ci a fellos, de is persistant vateful ans utterly unrelenting. Sven
in nis oun donuin, aaving no cther onjeot for his fuht, he turns and lei¬
cerates ninsel1.
#inen T atteupt ang sort of eritteal or reflective eriting, said

Sahnitzler,“1 an nal strangled sr ny oun perantheses
I resespor thicking at ##e tiss tnat Joi nad originall)y iotented Sohnitz¬
1er Ter a aort o. Upton Sinolair, ane the. ## the last sinute ananged
nis sind.] in uther soras Scanitaler is one uf thosn hot altogsther envi¬