VI, Allgemeine Besprechungen 2, 1924 Benvenisti Manuskript, Seite 4


box 38/4
2. Cuttings
whose Jungenents and critical faculty nsVer heve a holiday, It 18 a heavy
price to pay, but in Sohnitzler's case the gane is worth oandle.
That Schnitzler should uave had pienty to say on the dixtan xxin#
Jevisn question, vas only to be expeoted. fe nas written about it Nnough.
TProfessor Berngerdi' touches it . Tue innortal ineffable Lietnant Gust!“
is full of it. sut above all'Der Veg in's Freie' is renarkable for its bril
liant, 1 night alnost say its brutal treatnent of this subject.
In Heinrich Beurnann, the lewisn literateurhe has drasn vith such naster¬
1, asskkasg dispaesionate aceuracy a certain type of oentral European
Jen, that 1 havé alvays neintarnel nostudy of the levish question oould be
const#ered couplete without a perusal of this work. Jehrnann i8 by no neans
a perfeot being, de is oversensitive self analytioal, and I an very auch
afraid Ino linen to be tactlessand yet à nan 9f real abflitg and nany vir¬
tues. Sirounstances have, I thing aade Behrnann vhet ne 18, and thougn 1#
coula not get hin to nake a definite pronouncenent on the subject, Zan
E beien
inolined tnat Schnitzler thinks so tco. Pot I disoussed Behrnann with
Schnitzler just as I would däscuss a liVin; person. Thers vas nothing in¬
oongrouous abölt tnis, beoauge Behrnann happenes to be alive. Iu Von
will nest all over Vienna, or for tnat natter vith a slightly different ao¬
cent all over Gerdany
LnLlntate-vin h#ightatter the Oper# aroneuf-#iese


excellent Viennise sauvage stalze: de sat opposite ne in the restauzant
t#e dranati##aritio of the-
car, ooning##p fron Salze#etentell be 18
put vernaha- Ahlt In- Sanbalag pergonel—